What are some more, "nothing movies". You know, where there isn't really a set desitination...

What are some more, "nothing movies". You know, where there isn't really a set desitination, plot just kinda meanders threw a series of odd ocurances.

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this came right to mind

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Easy Rider
best with some weed to smoke

Man, Big Lebowski is so fucking good bros

there's definitely a plot and destination

Napoleon Dynamite.

Pulp Fiction, Dude Where's My Car?(rewatched it lately, and it's still as funny as when I first saw it when it come out), Seven Psychopaths

inherent vice... although it kinda sucks. withnail & i, jesus' son, fear and loathing
scene that sticks with me the most

Here's a good one. I've been looking for more of this type of film. Let me know if anyone has recommends

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my life desu


Are you employed Mr. user?

Dazed and confused

Nou Country For End When

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This movie had very intense scenes, Idk if people are being ironic when they say it's boring

What a midwit interpretation of The Big Lebowski...there is literally a multifaceted criminal conspiracy in this film.

that's an interesting idea, like if one of these kind of movies had a very serious dark tone. But I still the NOFM very much has a plot and to it. Guy runnning with money, guy hunting guy with money. All the sheriff scenes felt pretty pointless though

My Dinner with Andre

My first thought.

Yaaawn, it's a nothing movie where nothing happens and we end where we started, it's about the ride. What a midwit reading too much into something that isn't there.

>nothing happens
What weird bait, zoomie.

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Poop fiction

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>a staged kidnapping, cutting their own toes off to mail to a handicapped fraud who was already extorting the kidnapping for his own selfish gains to steal cash from a charity foundation and a porn mogul being an implied criminal don...
>nothing happens
kill yourself

>not understanding what nothing happens means

Hollywood knights

I know you don't realize how vapid the phrase "nothing happens" is and how you are poorly using it, yes.
