ITT: movies forgotten by time

ITT: movies forgotten by time

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The list will be looooooooooooong or empty, I don't remember!

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Ok you win... What the fuck is that?

I ran to see this in theaters opening weeke d because I'm a social retard and did not have any idea that Jim Carrey was no longer a huge A-List deal, I was still watching Ace Ventura once a month. There were maybe two other people there.

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This was a classic late 2000's/early 2010's comedy movies. You know the kind, I really miss those kinds of movies

I remember this one, but only because a German faggot who's in this movie made a big deal out of it. He was super proud of himself when retarded germs recognized him while shooting this shitty movie in Las Vegas or wherever they were. Never saw it and don't care, Jim Carey and Steve Carell are the most unfunny people on the planet, only Will Ferrell and Adam Sandler are worse.

I still remember it though. Comfy movie with absolutely zero conflict.

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Rewatched this kino the other day and it was just as good as I remembered, but it's been pretty much forgotten. Bennett Miller himself disappeared too, wonder what he's up to these days

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tell me the movie in 8 words and if it's intriguing enough i will watch it

my dad recently made me watch this. just terrible.

can't believe I went to see this career-killing thing with my parents

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lol so bad

Loved this movie as a kid kek


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Everyone remembers this for Halle Berry's boobies

I watched this recently and kangaroo jack does ever talk, I swear as a kid i remember he talked all the time but he never does.

you win

The very, very beginning is good. The whole ball bearing explosive thing, like 3 or 4 minutes. Then yeah, dog poop. You have any pics of your dad in tight shorts?

steve carell tries really hard to be pedo

Rich guy likes to watch young men wrestle.

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there was a Kangaroo Jack cartoon, maybe he talks in that and that's what you're remembering?

this shit was on tv constantly and halle berrys nude scene was popular for years
not a good choice

i think snooki was in the trailer iirc

I remember when Jim Carrey, Benicio del Toro and Sean Penn were supposed to star in this

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Holy shit, I saw this movie in the cinema and I just haven't thought about it in years. Me and my friends found it funny. The most interesting thing about the movie is how Jim Carey does not look like Jim Carey in any of the marketing material, look at this poster and others on google images, really weird how touched up and edited all the faces are.

A movie needs to be known at all to be forgotten user.