Why do they built giant statues instead of improving their country's economy and public infrastructure?

Why do they built giant statues instead of improving their country's economy and public infrastructure?

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you can do multiple things at the same time
its amazing

Yeah but they won't

Poos can't, their street shitting problem has gotten no better.

It's a gundam

You can't, why is there a jew violating a basic economy law? Wtf?

Well, when you think about it, the islamic ban on making portraits/statues actually makes sense, why would you spend money on portraying your rulers and "famous" people if you could give this money as zakat to poor people instead?

instead of making statues they giant ass building that dont even have proper plumbing lol.

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True but at the same time spending money on nice architecture and infrastructure is for the people. You don’t think people would benefit from looking at nice things every day they wake up and go to work?

>dont even have proper plumbing

Well, you should blame the engineers and construction workers for that...what country did they come from, what do you think?

Poor people will just tear up any infrastructure you build them and use the materials inside their own houses. At least large monuments can generate tourist income.

idk, pakistan?

Indians be like

>Pakistanis are poorly educated and brainwashed by their religion

>Pakistanis are renowned engineers and design world tallest buildings all over the world

the duality of man

it was a joke, my inbred brother

A rich state built it from its own state budget. And that state is also onown for good infrastructure and public services. They are building Shinkansen (bullet train) lines.

He meant the construction workers, not the engineers lol

>Why do they built giant statues
That's how you keep commies and invaders from hijacking and rewriting your culture. Tell me again what was indons before pisslam took over?

you need to be really qualified as a construction workers to build this kind of towers, it's not like building a slum barrack, you know.

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I get wanting build a giant statue, but why isn't it something more aesthetic than some old indian guy getting his newspaper in the morning?


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you can build multiple giant statues at the same time indeed

>my feet hurt
>this place is too windy
>the river smells weird
>i wish i was at home unifying pajeets

Then it must be the Emiratis fault for hiring dumbass pakis.

Meanwhile reality

>Over 3,420,000 Indian expats are estimated to be living in the UAE, which is over 38 percent of the total population of the UAE