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Brown here. Why is the kkk bad.

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sneed sneed sneed? thats not chuck!

They are only "bad" when they kill niggers

I've heard they were created after the Civil War because of blacks rioting and sheeeit in the south.

shitskin queen

why are racists always shown as shaved-headed retarded fat losers?
I'm all of those things and I don't celebrate being white

the desecrated a fiery cross

>normal people
>laugh at this because krusty's a dumb racist

>Any Forumsturds
>laugh at this because they're dumb racists

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For me, it's both.

The original KKK was based. the nu-KKK was a shitshow that glowed. The modern KKK is not even real

I don't even think there is a modern KKK, its just all Feds larping with each other trying to bust themselves.

That's some Olympic level pedo Joe Biden voting Democrat commie mental gymnastics. That takes the gold dilator award.

Do you think communists like biden?

>The modern KKK is not even real
doesn't america have multiple republican senators and congressmen that are literally KKK members or mentored by KKK members?

I miss Phil Hartman

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why are you making this assertion in the form of a question? why not say it as a point of fact? is it because you don't actually know and are making shit up?

Formerly the HHH

im not american i just looked at this list en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ku_Klux_Klan_members_in_United_States_politics

That's based though.

How can one survive being this gullible?

No. Unironically several Democrats were though, kek. Whoopsie-doodles.

Are you so dumb, you even answer rhetorical questions?