Does this look like a broken nose?

Does this look like a broken nose?

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keep this shit on reddit you fucking zoomer phonefag subhuman
kill yourself

who are the witnesses today?

I can easily see the injuries and bruises under that makeup......NOT IN THAT PHOTO THOUGH BAD ANGLE AND LIGHTNING!

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something ain't right about her face but can't point out what it is.. maybe her mouth area

this the thread?

and two black eyes

>here's a photo of some pictures on a bed
>here's a photo of a broken wine bottle
>here's a photo of a different broken wine bottle
>here's a photo of some stains on a landing
>here's a photo of some broken pictures on a wall
>pictures of me, Amber Heard, showing unequivocal signs of physical damage? No I forgot to take those :)

if that was real, she wouldn't be wearing glasses

Are you doubting Back to the Amica?

hope so I fucking hate trying to find it

Her upper lip is quite thin.

umm she's wearing makeup to cover up her serious injuries sweety

The one in the back does look quite hooked, yes.

if it was real she wouldn't be putting on anything, much less glasses

Both AH and JD are acoholics and drug addicts. They are both full of shit. This entire trial is pointless.

not physically but spiritually


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scars on the arms and the subsequent ban from the industry after the op ed are going to favor Heard. Even if one bit of abuse is legit then depp loses.

what scars?

boring shit today too?

I watched neither and don't intend to.

Even back when the news first broke years ago and those photos got published I knew she was full of shit. When you get hit in the face, especially by a grown man who wears rings, you don't just get a minor red blemish on your cheek. Same for the 'busted' lip, mine has looked like that before by accidentally biting it when eating food.