What is your country missing that would make it better?

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friends :(

Stable government and economy

why dont you have any

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I thought long and hard about your question...
But in my opinion my country is the best.
Although, having additional strike UAVs would be nice!

collapse of israel

you have the russian licensed version of searcher drones that can do it
it was recently declassified that we used and sold strike drones since the 90s so probably the searcher drones sold to russia had bomb mounts like the russian made ones

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We have our own, many of them for various tactical applications from the heavy bomber Hunter s-70 to the kamikaze "Cube" drones, but it's not as flexible a tactical arsenal as, say, the United States.

People who put your groceries in bags.

we have some too, pic related
arent the russian searcher drones the most common attack drones in russian service tho?

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a nuke 500m over London

Long straight hair castiza gf

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Government issued gf

starlink, I wanna play on asian servers with low ping, or I could just move to southeast asia like some esport players from my country

Not enough territory.

A moon colony

yea it was matter of seeing what new electronics would enable in the near future. the modern american drone program that started with the predetor also came from israel
we had a company making similar x wing drones since 2011 and the americans might be buying em

having a lot of companies in the field also means the military tech translates into civilian stuff like

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more money and less leftists

More calm and rational people
Less bellicose morons

Public torture of women

>more money and less leftists

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