Civilians shouldnt be able to own guns

civilians shouldnt be able to own guns

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>trusting the government

Why not though?

>country literally has gay in the name

Neither should the military

You can vote and start peaceful disobedience campaigns
Leads to gun violence

yes, cops should not have guns.


Why would they, if criminals dont

>You can vote
oh my sweet summer child

>You can vote and start peaceful disobedience campaigns

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>You can vote and start peaceful disobedience campaigns
not in a dictatorship. that's why dictators take away the guns.

Hah, I let my guard down, good one. If only

I would trust the government if we had an Apartheid style one but we dont.

>start peaceful disobedience campaign
and the government will "peacefully" imprison/vanish/kill you lmao

It worked for Gandhi

I agree with you.

>You can vote and start peaceful disobedience campaigns
this is the same type of nigga to say "if a robber broke into my house Id just talk to him and convince him to not rob me"

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he was controlled opposition that stopped pajeets from going apeshit and switching sides to the japanese, why do you think modern indians hate him?

>taking public policy tips from sudacas

yes, well the government - conservatives.
I would vote for the party that rounds up conservatards.