Brainlet here. I just marathoned pic related and I don't know what to think of it. Any thoughts?

Brainlet here. I just marathoned pic related and I don't know what to think of it. Any thoughts?

Attached: Possession_film_cover.jpg (220x296, 93.85K)

great acting, interesting story and metaphor. extremely fun to watch woman going ape shit.

adjani is kino and after this you should watch The Story of Adele H.

this is like the fifth thread about this movie in a few days

which means either two things. either it's one guy spamming it, or they added that film on netflix

It might function like an std. Like the movie didn't show it or really even imply it particularly but maybe he drank one of those vials, as I recall they were, when he was in the hotel room. And then after that it passes to people like an std. As I recall the movie seemed to follow some rules like that.

I watched it the other day. Confusing kino.
Still wonder where Helen came from if the Mark doppelganger was made by Anna. Did Mark unknowingly create her by being unhappy with Anna, or was Helen also a tentacle monster that someone "grew"?

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Are you saying the monster could be an STD?

Don't be a cuck, that's the moral of the story.

Pure kino.
That's a part of it for sure.

>Any thoughts?
Divorce fucking sucks.

or people are watching it because of that one guy spamming it.
i kinda wanna watch it now

Honestly, I don't think anyone knows.

The film confuses pretty much everyone who watches it, so don't feel bad.


Attached: I'M ACTING.webm (550x330, 3M)

Couple wants their partner to be a certain way that they aren't, they try to mold them to be that way, possessing them, abusing them, and killing them in the process.

Basically. I think. At the very least part of the entire issue. There's quite a few. Maybe its a result of the std etc.

>be me
>be the guy who spammed it
>only one of the Possession threads over the past few days have been mine
Mission accomplished

I'm pretty sure I'm also responsible for picrel becoming a meme. I deserve an actual medal for this one tbqh

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there has always been occasional ninth gate and possession threads on Any Forums for years, zoomer.

lmao, i watch The Ninth Gate because of your spamming too hah.
was good though

I enjoy when movies don't give all the answers, gives me stuff to think about

Who was in the wrong here.

Dude wanted a faithful wife, wife wanted to fuck around with demons.
Sometimes things are simpler than what we imagine.

>great acting

I'll post a possession thread after this one dies user

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I started spamming it about 2 years ago. I hardly ever saw it mentioned before my spamfest.

I've spent A LOT of time on here over the years. Not proud of it. But I am proud of my Ninth Gate offspring.

This pleases me

An user once said that Ajdani is so beautiful that it was distracting and I agree

Bless you, my son.

>Who was in the wrong here
The director for allowing them to overact.

well honestly thanks. Ninth Gate is kino and it deserves to get spammed.

Was it really overacting though, looks like a standard couple to me.

Can you explain your strange obsession with this movie when it’s widely known as a critical failure and one of Polanski’s weaker films

Distracting in what sense? I would use the word hypnotizing, you can't take your eyes off of her in every scene which I think is kinda of the point.

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It's enough that women don't like the movie because they feel threatened by her
t. watched this with 3 females, all hated her

They hate her because she shows the real nature of women.

>widely known as a critical failure and one of Polanski’s weaker films
since fucking when? Every Polanksi fan I know loves ninth gate and it didn't even get bad reviews.