Any Forums is trying to get this whole site taken down again

Any Forums is trying to get this whole site taken down again

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What did those chuds do now

Any Forums is a board of peace

whats a /pol?

we're on 4channel. well be fine :)

yes, OP tell us what those little rascals did this time

This, #notallpol

>ye-yeah! we should do something about those retards!

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We did nothing! Nothing I swear! That guy took the ironic shitposting way too far. You’re not supposed to troll in real life, but he went out and did it anyway

All the best people I have ever loved were black. I joke, you need to know the difference.

As a white. I fear other whites.

Ayo, Any Forums din du nuffin, they gud boys!

i wish i'd love to be free from this hell

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Imagine hating other people just because of their skin color

No one will believe me but that guy used a meme I made in his manifesto. Same pictures and words and everything. I feel guilt but I also feel happy and like I’m not a small part of history

Oops meant to say now. I’m phone posting

it's because of their behavior not their skin color

I mean the site is soulless as hell now but i still don't want some glowop to be the reason it goes


This is 4channel, this isn't the same site chud.

It's a bit their skin color too let's be honest

hopefully. I want out

>Any Forums is trying to get this whole site taken down again

its not. their skin color is just the reason why they behave a certain way. there should be nothing controversial about certain races being more prone to certain traits, but here we are in 2022 and its still the stone ages apparently