Are hitmen real?

Are hitmen real?

Attached: Collateral-2004.jpg (1000x624, 359.35K)

Are you real?

Bob saget wasn't murdered

Yes, but I doubt they look like this.

All the ones I've seen on true crime programs look like they shop at Tractor Supply or Agway. Real good old boys.

The true question.

Say not I persay wanted out,

Not really. Gangs and such have triggermen and enforcers but that's about it. It's just too hard to get away with murder in this age in first world countries. prob a lot more prevalent in shit hole countries.

we get our targets from amazon and other similar sites. innocuous items will be labelled with weird names of people and insane prices that are the contract price.


we are but its not as glamourous or high tech as hollywood likes to think it is

even Disney has a wetworks division lmao
They got that shit on speed dial to make anyone disappear quicker than you can say candlejack, so just be careful not to say anyth

Sometimes gangs will give crackheads and other pieces of shit money to do it, but about 40% or murders go unsolved..Apparently.

don't get the schizo's riled up now.

Yes. I live in a rather violent city in mexico, but even amidst the chaos there have been high profile murders that are different to the usual low level sloppy jobs, and witnesses describe lone, professional hitters.

Woody Harrelson's dad was a hitman. And referred to in No Country for Old Men

Make it clean. I'll be in the woods.

>Are hitmen real?
maybe in third world countries

cia glowies no longer need people to get rid of someone. they have such an advance technology they can rid of anyone with a push of a button.

You mean sicarios?
Or is that actually a different defintion all together?

A very simple way to find out the answer is ask yourself how often you hear about someone tangled up in some things being killed and then they don't find the killer. So, yes, there are people contracted to kill, but rarely enough that each person who does this does it probably once and isn't living some agent47 career

are you trying to contact a hitman on Any Forums, lmao OP is a fucking cop

yes, but nowadays the term sicario has lost any prestige, sicarii used to be associated by secrecy, stealth, surgical cleanliness in their murders. Today anyone can be a sicario with an automatic rifle. The hitmen are different. There have been mossad ex agents involved.

I miss this lol

t. not a hitman

of course they're real, what they're not however is super skilled secret agent types, they're usually just thugs