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Right: soulless

Attached: kevin-smith-51-Pound-weight-loss-heart-attack.jpg (1200x675, 137.52K)

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Don't laugh at AIDS, OP.

>I smoked weed and am ready to realize this crazy vision I had
>I smoked weed, cried, and am ready to get a paycheck

My Kevin Smith phase lasted a lot longer than it should have.

Didn't this manchild cry at wandavision.

He cries at everything because he smokes way too much weed.

Amerimutt moment

I liked him better as a fat Catholic than a skinny DUDEWEED atheist.

This can't be real

Attached: Screenshot_20220518-220254-765.png (1080x1672, 720.72K)

>makes his entire career trashing bruce willis
>no I didn't mean it like that *cries*

he's the definition of a complete sellout.

No one said that, at all.
Yoga Hosers was fucking terrible, why did he even put his own daughter in that. Cringe at the name, but it's not my kid.

every time I see him these days he is crying about some stupid shit

what a bitchass

It's very real dude, he unironically fucking did that.

it's true. all of it.

Does he have periods now too? wtf

It's probably from the copious amounts of weed his smokes, and the estrogen that's still probably there from the weight gain. He cries about fucking everything and imagine being his daughter knowing that you're dad is all over the internet and in public crying about children's super hero comic books and movies. How fucking humiliating.

He wears six masks. Even while hiking. You can't even wear one.

Unenlightened chuds. Get your booster today.

So now that the heart attack didn't kill him, now he's trying to suffocate himself to death? Was he crying during that also?

Losing weight had the unfortunate side effect of de-neckpilling him.

What being a dope head does to a motherfucker, bruh.

He shilled his skank wife in everything he did, then after she hit the wall we got this abomination.

well bruce is openly senile now and suffering alot, makes sense he walked that back in the modern context

people really underestimate how much better you look when your neck is wider, if its only half as thick as your head you have a problem

>April 1