Women want to fuck this

>women want to fuck this

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It's because he acts black, looks vaguely like he 'could' be black but has Jewish money.

>dad died on 9/11
Free pussy for life

>"""funny""" (by woman standards)
>rumoured to have a big cock
and most importantly
>is viewed as high status/value
yes of course they do. don't you know anything about women?

Women are attracted to money, power and fame.

>how powerful is the media?
>they can convince women Pete Davidson isn't an ass goblin (birthed from anal cavity) 2/10

ariana said he has melanated cock
as in, his cock is way darker than his skin. it happens to some of the whites, it's genetic. it's like with his butthole eyes. that's definitely a part of his appeal.

>Women are attracted to money, power and fame.
Yes, of course. But this is Pete Davidson, who has exemplifies none of these things organically.


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>it happens to some of the whites
If a person has this trait they do not pass the "One-drop" rule, and are therefore, not white.

>durr he actually joo!!
yeah no shit sherlock. I'm talking about in the eyes of regular people.

fuck off jew

I thought that was normal? Is it normal to have a cock that's as white as your thighs?

He sacrificed enough babies to moloch to be inducted into the elites fold and he continues to be their pawn. He is rewarded with women being forced to date and fuck him so he may be seen as a high value male and big game, or else they be found behind a mcdonalds dumpster foaming at the mouth with two bullet holes in the back of their head.

he's jewish

>I thought that was normal?
Same, my cock's the darkest part of me and it's never seen the sun apart from that one time I jerked off on the beach

Yes. My skin is the same color all over. Because I'm a real white person

Women really don't, he just has a fuckhuge artificial PR boost.

Like seriously this dude gets "advertised" so fucking heavily but no one ever actually talks or thinks about him other than retarded Kanye West drama gossip shit.

It's the hot girlfriend effect. If you land a hot girlfriend and other girls see you with a hot girlfriend you instantly become more attractive to other women and are perceived as high value. I've experienced this on a smaller scale a couple times in my life. I'm not bad looking but I'm nothing special. Usually women aren't throwing themselves at me but the couple times I dated a 10 other girls started throwing themselves at me. Taught me a lot about women. Pete Davidson has managed to harness this phenomenon at the highest level.

getting publicly fucked by skete is something that famous women do as a humiliation ritual for their ex.

he is casual and self confident, he isn't being overbearing or putting on a front or shut in

Take your meds
