What’s your favorite Latin American country?

What’s your favorite Latin American country?
What’s your least favorite Latin American country?

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favorite: Colombia, I have a couple long term friends that met in University from there. Been 3 times, it's poor but never felt that unsafe.
least favorite: Mexico, I've seen and dealt with way to many of them in my lifetime. Generally lazy and difficult to work with because they don't even bother speaking their own language correctly

Favorite: Chile. They're really nice people.
Least favorite: Venezuela or El Salvador.

I LOVE argentina and Brazil, don't hate any simply don't care

Favorite: Brazil. Love their culture and they are usually chill people
Least favorite: Venezuela. Won't even bother arguing

______ __ ___ _____ ________.

Favorite: I guess Chile
Worst: Brazil
Just kidding, I guess Venezuela or Ecuador
Then Brazil

Brazil is not Latin American?

Fav: Chile
Least fav: Venezuela

Why is the US pictured here? When did the US become Latin American?


They spite the mutts

>Least favorite

They're wh*te


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Favorite DR: Nice people, delicious food and beautiful women

Trash subhuman: French Guyana, needs to be an hero'd

>don't HATE any simply don't care
This speech is very argentineans to not appear "vulnerable" or "affected".

Argie, right?

bro why I love Brazil and hope I can go on vacation there next year

Haven't been there yet but plan to visit soon, but right now:
Faviroute = paraguay because it is the most insular and memey cunt there
Least faviroute = ecuador, so soulless its just named after the equator

Favourite is Chile
Least favourites are Venezuela, Colombia, Puerto Rico and the DR. Nothing personal but your immigrants are abhorrent

favorite: Colombia
least favorite: Chile

my favourites besides mine are Mexico, Brazil and Perú, also holding a wish for colombia
my least favourite is Bolivia, because of their government, not the people

Favorite: United Mexican States
Least Favorite: United States of America

>What’s your favorite Latin American country?
Argentina and Colombia What’s your least favorite Latin American country?

Cope chud, hasta la victoria siempre!

>Panama y Culombia
Son como gusanos que se esparcen por toda latinoamerica

not because they're commies, if it were by that I'd said cuba or Vuvuzela