I need escape

I need escape.
I was not a loser before coming here. Now I am one. I leave for college soon, and I refuse to be by myself in an apartment browsing these boards.
I am not man enough to stop over time. I know my faults and the faults of this place. There's no point in listing what's wrong with Any Forums. I think we all know.
So, I just need to be permabanned. I know no one asked, but I wanted to give a final post. I hope you anons find something good from all of this. I could not.
I am underage jannies.
Permaban me.
I am fifteen years old. I am underage.
Permaban me.
I am on Any Forums and am not eighteen.
Permaban me.

Attached: neet.png (2300x1784, 731.83K)

t.24 year old and depressed

If you're leaving for college getting banned at home won't do anything.

>OP is a loser and a fag
Checks out. Good luck to you.

OP here.

Good luck user, I'm in the same boat except I'm not leaving this place, I'm done for.

>I was not a loser before coming here
yeah sure you were on your way to success until a webpage ruined your life lmao

Sounds like a you problem to me

Laughing Out Loud!

Attached: you are here forever.jpg (1920x1080, 664.97K)

see you in a week!

Go outside you colossal faggots. And take a fucking shower. Whine whine whine whine whine jesus fucking christ

lol this is literally me :(

outside and showers doesnt change genetics

get a shit job
know some loser girl like you guys
ask loser girl to go out and drink
drink and have sex
now you losers have a gf
a loser gf like you guys but at least not alone

me too

au revoir, little buddy

Whine whine whine

how can we get gfs loserbros?

Start now little zoomie, soon you'll be 34 and realize you wasted 10 years

If that image is accurate and not an exaggeration it's too late for you, leaving Any Forums won't fix much

They will be shutting this place down soon so you won’t have to worry about it.

>24 year old
>receeding hairline
Is that really a thing?

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>Wanting 3DPD
You need to go back

>literally none of that pity cope cocktail
>except im 5'8
Well guess its fucking over, i am never ever going to get a gf, niggers like OP get women kissing their feet just for being 6ft and im destined to suffer.