Fucking 80s, man, best shit ever. Bet your ass, man. Guns N' Roses fucking rules. Crüe. Def Lep...

>Fucking 80s, man, best shit ever. Bet your ass, man. Guns N' Roses fucking rules. Crüe. Def Lep. Then that Cobain pussy had to come around and ruin it all. Like there's something wrong with wanting to have a good time. I'll tell you something. I hated the fucking 90s. 90s fucking sucked.

Zoomer here. Was Mickey Rourke right?

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All Gen Xers born in the late 60s, early 70s hated the 90s

yes but also no

>man, there's nothing wrong with being a do-nothing fuckhead who let's their government shit all over the world while simultaneously spouting how great that same country is!

Nirvana had a ton of party songs too what is this boomer retard talking about?

holy fuckin zoomershit not compared to those other bands are you gay bro

No, the 90's was the height of Western civilization.

if your idea of a "good time" is dressing up like a woman and pumping your hair with hair spray and prancing around like a faggot while literally wearing makeup then sure, i guess?

Attached: the-funniest-80-s-glam-band-photos-ever.jpg (817x427, 31.06K)

hell yeah it is faggot

Gen-Xers are the worst generation ever.

This was precisely the reason grunge became a thing, people were just fucking sick of all the glam by then.
Of course, if you were a fan of thrash metal, you were unaffected by such faggotry.

People nostalgic about an era were usually retarded teenagers when it happened, no wonder the Xers are fans of such faggotry, it was basically their version lf TikTok

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Thrash metal also died in the 90s though, after Metallica sold out and Megadeth peaked with Rust in Peace

He was.

thrash died with dimebag
>b-but pantera was groove metal, not thrash
fuck off, they were fucking thrash too.


He's a wrestler, what do you expect? It's all gay

>thrash died with dimebag
people forget how massive pantera was before nirvana came around
they were the kings of metal for years and it wasn't even close

80's was the GOAT decade of all time but 90's music was better.

You’re so wrong. X’ers dug the 90s

> Gen-Xers are the worst generation ever.

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The height of Zoomie Faggotrie

Fuck me Mommy Tomei is so hot in that movie


80's may be cheesy and over the top but at least it was fun, catchy, and memorable. I never got the point of all the gloominess and depressing shit of the 90's; it's like music you turn on to feel sorry for yourself. Not all the grunge stuff was bad (Alice in Chains, Nirvana), but out of that movement gave us all the ripoffs in the later decade with crap like Creed, Nickelback, etc.

80's hard rock/metal gets too much of a bad rep in my opinion.

>grunge was the only music that existed in the 90s
You're forgetting about shit like Third Eye Blind, Jane's Addiction, Blind Melon, Chili Peppers, etc. There was definitely a neo-hippie resurgence that ran parallel to grunge.

Yeah for sure, you're absolutely right. I just didn't want to make more of a novel than I already did haha.

Chilli Peppers, Jane's Addiction, Blind Melon, all solid.

>X'ers hated the 90's.

This is factually wrong. We hated the 70's (except for Star Wars, Atari and Legos) and current day. The 90's were pretty based for the most part even though nothing will ever top the 80's.

you are crazy for saying that, most 90's music is corny as fuck

3eb is the shit. I've seen them like four times, they still tour and are still great live.

Yes, he was

80's is best decade but 90's is easilythe better music. The problem was that Nirvana and the whole "grunge" style made it cool to be depressed for no reason. Thankfully that all blew over and everybody snapped out of it when Kurt Cobain took it too far and blew his own head off.

The alternative scene the punk scene was rumbling underground. To be honest, all those LA bands should be grateful they were as big as pop almost. Normies don't fuckin listen to hard rock.

It was a strange time. The bands looked like trannies but they were wild men who drank all day, did tons of drugs and fucked legions of groupies. Any member of an 80s hair band would have more testosterone than a battalion of zoomers.

Yeah? Maybe I'll check 'em out one of these days if they come to my neck of the woods. Cheers.

>The problem was that Nirvana and the whole "grunge" style made it cool to be depressed for no reason.

I agree, well said.

>The Chronic



>but 90's is easilythe better music.
How ? Give some examples

>>man, there's nothing wrong with being a do-nothing fuckhead who let's their government shit all over the world while simultaneously spouting how great that same country is!
there isn't unless you're a bitter, worthless nigger

Fucking love this movie.

thrash and grunge both also benefited heavily from underground 80s shit like discharge and gbh and shouted them out every chance they got, kurt especially. pretty based imo. this was pre-internet obviously so lesser-known punk acts getting their dues was probably a huge deal for them.

Their women was hot

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