I'll be interviewing each one of you guys ITT

To consider your application for the insurance of a discretionary N-Word pass.

Since you are representing yourself, I am inviting you to make your point on why I should you deliver an N-Word pass.

Any requests with less than 50 word, with using the same word more than 3 times will be rejected.

Attached: 1200px-Clarence_Thomas_official_SCOTUS_portrait.jpg (1200x1650, 335.78K)

Other urls found in this thread:


... And to prove my eligibility to give you my blessings and deliver you such pass, here's my hand.

Now speak.

Attached: IMG_20220721_173457.jpg (3120x4160, 1.77M)

I am a link between races

Attached: IMG_20220703_004635_417~2.jpg (2937x1079, 288.43K)

Your honor, I on god do be bussin fr fr

I’m from Portugal but I’m here visiting my German father. He got mad that I called him Kraut-daddy as a joke. So if I can’t say one slur despite being half German, I should get something in return

>Makes a thread
>Ignores everyone
Why are you like this?


Attached: C4FD5EEA-6E01-4BE5-BCA6-4926D204F452.png (1920x1080, 1.79M)

Wassup Nigga

Attached: visayanfrog.jpg (960x480, 38.62K)

you can't say that word

ackshually i have negrito ancestors

I need more proofs and a 50 word arguments, for me to issue you a N Word pass.

Not enough words. Application denied.

The legendary BLACK European, application accepted. You are granted a N word pass.

I am waiting for your argument on why should I grant you a pass.

Application denied.

Not enough words.
Application denied.

Greetings. Waiting for your argument on why should I deliver a pass.


I can look black with just a little bit of sun. Why should I be denied the pass? Plus my country has national festivals that were originally for blacks only, but expanded to the rest of society naturally and without rave issues

my ancestors were black

My family is from Southern Italy

>national festivals that were originally for blacks only, but expanded to the rest of society naturally and without rave issues
Tell me more about these and you shall maybe be granted a pass.

Needs proofs of that, and most importantly, argumented in at least 50 words.

Longest in the world

Tell me more about your family origins. Are they napolitain ? Sicilian? Elaborate. 50 words and I may issue you a pass. Southern Italians are by case law Blacks, such as the Portugueses, Spaniards and Parisians.

My ancestors were literally called NEGRITOS

Reminder that racism outside of Any Forums is not tolerated, and it's ESPECIALLY rude on Any Forums. All Any Forums is frens.

I’m white, however my ancestors were Swedish so we didn’t enslave anyone. There are many songs songs I’d like to sing that have the n word. I will be extremely responsible with my newfound power, and use it as a force of good. Also I have a black cousin. Pee