*makes audiences fear nuclear power as evil and scary*

>*makes audiences fear nuclear power as evil and scary*
The Simpsons doomed the human species.

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It's more of a joke about how amusing it is that a nuclear power plant is run by a corrupt businessman and his idiot workers.

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>let's give this guy a tv show
The Simpsons were intended to a joke, and morons like me lapped it up. Moral: never underestimate the stupidity of the viewing public.

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>*makes audiences fear nuclear power as evil and scary*
The chernobyl disaster and the cold war already did that for at least 200 years.

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theres been an unnatrual surgeance of nuclear memes the past few months
very suspicious

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Wrong lesson was taken from Chernobyl (nuclear power = always bad instead of the shitty communist system which made such a disaster possible).

If all it took to damn humanity was a cartoon then maybe we weren't meant to survive as a species

People prefer to assign blame to things that are easier to conceptualise
>big evil science
>corrupt incompetent government
Also, pair this with redscare, where portraying the soviets as incomptent clowns wasn't in-line with the zeitgeist of the time. Ultimately it's a trust issue, if it can happen it puts people on edge because that means it can happen to them. The concept of nucler radiation and completely abandoned metropolises was seared into the memory as somethign to be fearful of. Hopefully as time passes and the harm of the alternatives begin to weigh people will be more accepting of nuclear power instead of thinking mass producing wind turbines will solve the energy climate crisis

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>the shitty communist system which made such a disaster possible
Wrong. Nuclear power = always bad because the human element, which is not exclusive to communism, will always fuck it up.

Nuclear power isn't as cost effective or as fast to setup as renewable sources of energy. The upfront costs and construction times are enormous and produce an end result that's less efficient than everything but coal. Even without factoring in the considerable threats to public safety, nuclear is completely outclassed by most other sources available.
The only argument in favor of nuclear power is that future milestones, like fusion power, might change its viability. But this means nuclear power should be confined to small research reactors, not the basis of national infrastructure.

You are either misguided or a putin bot, how about France then? 78% of the energy that they produce is nuclear.. It's also one of the world's biggest net exporters of electricity. Compare that to their polar opposite germany and how they are still hooked on russian oil and gas (on top of the fact that they import 60% of their energy)..

>Nuclear power isn't as cost effective or as fast to setup as renewable sources of energy. The upfront costs and construction times are enormous
So? It's also pretty funny that you don't mention all renewables have a higher impact on the environment than nuclear.

It's not really that suspicious. Energy & fuel are big topics of discussion & anyone who knows anything knows we should be dumping everything we have into repairing our nuclear infrastructure & R&Ding how to make it cleaner & safer than ever.

If you don't mind me stepping in I do believe there is space in the future for solar power but as I see it wind power is a complete waste of time. They call it green but producing and maintaining windturbines produces a shit ton of harmful emissions and they simply don't produce enough electricity for their maintainance. Nuclear power isn't flawless but as it stands it seems like the best choice: It produces a lot of power from a small amount of resources, the production of which is clean and fruitful. I think some people will have to be careful of is when nuclear power is embraced by less... genteel countries. And by their poor education and shoddy government result in a nuclear melt down every other week and dump their nuclear waste on their beach.

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Die out

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I'd wager on balance that solar produces a lot more harmful emissions in their creation since you need a lot more of them and they need to be replaced relatively often, the only renewable worth investing in is hydroelectric.

wash your penis

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nuclear power is the way of the future

why the fuck hasn't 'derpibooru' been blacklisted on every single board outside of /mlp/?


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