Why are cats more popular than dogs in Russia?

Why are cats more popular than dogs in Russia?

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easier to microwave

Because dogs stink, bark, cant survive on its own. Dogs are good if you have your private property.

They get along better when you are on a 5 day vodka binge

Dogs are nasty, stinky, dirty, u have to walk with them, they eat a lot more and it's hard to keep them in a tiny commieblock apartment

>Because dogs stink, bark, cant survive on its own.
just like russians

they are here aswell

r*ssian men FEAR that dogs will steal and fuck all of their women

>I now remember that one video from united sharts of shitmerica or some kind of western european shithole where shitskin children put cat into a microwave
thanks a lot subhuman hope your mother dies in her sleep


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kek, I made him hungry

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Dogs are expensive and you ideally need a house with a spacious yard for them to be happy. Cats are fine just being cramped inside a tiny commieblock flat eating whatever. Cats are the communist pet; dogs are the individualist pet.

More suitable for a small apartment and city life.

Forgot the name of the original song.
Was he Russian?

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dogs takes more effort, they are usually dumb and need a walk everyday, a cat basically live on his own, you just have to feed him and clean his litter


Thank you

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brought my cat from Russia to Estonia
it was hard, but I made it!

This but unironically

The stereotype is that the average Russian lives in a tall commieblock located a frozen hellscape.
In that situation where you only have indoor space and little reason to go outside, a cat is much easier to take care of

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Literally oppressing Russian cat population

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Although it's not common in Russia to castrate cats or bring them to veterinary (expensive). So they just breed in gigantic numbers. Then owners simply throw out little kittens on the street. And we don't have shelters for animals.

So if you walk and see a little freezing kitty crying on the street, what will you do? Will you be heartless enough to pass it?

In the opposite, dogs can survive outside alone. They get into gangs and empty trash beans. They get wild, become aggressive toward people and could even kill someone.

A homeless cat rarely could stand a life on the street along with wild dogs, so Russians protect them. They often end up living near cafes or public places where people feed them

Every time I saw people posting videos of huge packs of wild dogs roaming the streets and even attacking/killing people it seemed to be in Eastern Europe (specially the Balkans).
I actually do wonder why I don't see that level of strays over here since the climate doesn't freeze over in winter and we're a bigger shithole. I've never seen animal control in the streets and even if I did I'm sure that people would be OUTRAGED at the government killing the hekkin pupperinos/kots.