ITT must see horror movies

ITT must see horror movies

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>must see

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Martyrs is probably the best of the bunch, but the baguettes made some cool stuff in the past 20 years:

> Dans Ma Peau
> Calvaire
> Haute Tension
> Titane
> Raw

Also, non french recent horror movies that are worthy:

> Berberian Sound Studio
> Censor
> Hereditary
> Midsommar
> A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night
> In Fabric

If you enjoy this kind of movie there's something legitimately wrong with you

Jacob's Ladder

Getting this one out of the way

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does everything trigger you?

Why? It's not mindless violence. It serves a narrative purpose.

That movie was the best thing out of france in years. Even better than a jambon-beurre

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getting the better one out of the way

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I know you really believe this and i want to tell you that it's ok.

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does anyone have any horror movie recommendations that are ACTUALLY scary? i'm having a really hard time getting scared by movies :-(

What do you think she saw at the end bros? The old hag an heroing at the end without telling anyone shit was kind of lame but whatever.

I am exclusively on payroll with Any Forums to post this everytime someone posts MUST SEE's.

Look up movies about your personal fears. If you're actually an adult nothing should be "scary" to you anymore that's woman and child shit. That's why horror movies need to kill most of the time since that's an easy fear to get that most still have. But even that isn't so scary in movies.

>does anyone have any horror movie recommendations that are ACTUALLY scary?

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Learn how to spoiler post you fucking retard

Depends on your definition of scary, but for me the move that made me "scared" for the first time in a while was session 9

And where do you live, Simon?

> Hereditary
> Midsommar
No. Just no.

I haven't seen exorcist 1

the film came out 14 years ago you fucking troglodyte

That doesn't matter. There are 30 year old movies I haven't seen. Doesn't mean you need to spoil them.

They're both good movies and i can see some people enjoying III more than the first one, but the original is a much better film, has a better structure and script. it's objectively a better movie. The third one got kinda fucked in the editing.

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Just fuck off