Job rejection after job rejection. I'm reaching a breaking point

Job rejection after job rejection. I'm reaching a breaking point

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What type of jobs are you applying to?

Watch ボクたちはみんな大人になれなかった,

its a numbers game
spam more resumes

there is also the opposite curse
>demonstrate marketable skills
>the phone never stops ringing, its all job offers, every fucking day, some in serbian, some in english

basically just get marketable skills
simple as
whole economy is fundamentally supply and demand, make yourself in low supply and high demand

do you have a degree? what jobs are you applying for?

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what skills are marketable? I need ideas quick before I'm homeless

whys that frog have a lampshade on his head
is he the frog emperor of japan

no thats imperial headwear from China

Python javascript css

python seems to be a really saturated market. I mean everyone and their dog and learning that shit so I'd imagine you'd have to learn it to a very advanced point for it to even begin to be marketable. As for trades - I am almost broke and unable to pay rent so it's not like I can afford the formal education required to gain such qualifications

in your case, it would have to be something that isnt capitally intensive, so you cant go into heavy industry or finance lol
french foreign legion could work if you are fit, those who get into certain jobs there such as parachute jumping and sharpshooting can get ~15k$/month contracts when they are out in the current market
crime actually pays if you have above average iq (please note, most people statistically dont have above average iq, and you are, statistically, most people)
certain welding apprenticeships pay you just to train you because they cant find the skilled workforce these days
construction companies also pay above average income to unskilled laborers but its hard physical labor which could seed capital for your other ventures
prostitution has always been profitable for women.. i mean ever saw a homeless young woman?

the list goes on

stop being black

Restore the mandate of Heaven, become Christ's brother

Join the army

>python seems to be a really saturated market. I mean everyone and their dog and learning that shit so I'd imagine you'd have to learn it to a very advanced point for it to even begin to be marketable.
there are also a TON of python jobs. you can find your niche with the language that's sought after

Stab Kushida with a wakizashi and scream "yamadamaterukudasaiiiiiidesuneeeee" in that shrill shriek japs do when they scream

is it true that you have to get at least a master's degree to be marketable in the 1st world or is it just a psyop?

>Job rejection after job rejection. I'm reaching a breaking point
move to USA
work in FAANG

meme, for now. it's still more about who you know rather than your pieces of paper.

depends on the country and the field