FF7 Fancast

When I started making this I thought Tifa would be the easiest to cast, but she was actually the hardest. The obvious choices would seem to be Alexandra Daddario or Jennifer Connelly, but that's in their prime. They both have depressingly smaller breasts now. So then I try to think of a young actress with a suitable rack, and the only one that comes to mind is Francesca Capaldi, but she's too small for the role. She's gorgeous, but she's like 4'11 or something.

So I just settled on someone who looks right for the role. I'm open to alternate suggestions, but she's *the* busty female character. Anything less than DDD, young and white has to GTFO.

Attached: Final Fantasy 7 Cast.jpg (1997x1821, 1.11M)

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Disgracefully bad casting choices.

Explain your specific issues with each. They're basically perfect.

>Explain your specific issues with each.
Can't be bothered, they're so bad it's not worth even debating. They're all abysmal except Neeson as Red and Lang as Cid which are passable.
>They're basically perfect.

Okay, so you're just full of it. Gotcha. If they were bad you'd have reasons, but you don't so there aren't any. I accept your full-throated endorsement until you specifically explain otherwise, and any further comments will just be you vigorously verbally fellating me until then.

They're poorly cast and unsuitable for the role. So bad I hope you die.

Today I learned that Jeffrey Combs is not only still alive, but also still working. It has been a good day.

Hey, ow. Watch the teeth. Keep going though.

What the fuck is this?

This is awful and you should feel genuinely bad for airing your shitty opinion on here

There was a thread the other day asking who people would cast for a Final Fantasy 7 live action movie. I gave it some thought, and these are my choices.

I told you to watch with the teeth.

That is a dreadfully garbage cast, kill yourself.

No you didn't

Ummm. Why is this casting is too white???
Are you a chud?

Because the characters were white. You do respect source material, don't you?

Well in that case, be more careful if you're going to be down there sucking.

Can you explain what specifically infuriates you so about it?

how can people be so obsessed with actors?

>sephiroth played by a manlet trans cunt who had to get jaw surgery to be more pouty

>depressingly smaller breasts

Attached: 1652197385537.jpg (680x680, 22.41K)

And the Turks? They're the only FFVII characters I care about.

>Terry Crews
I'd rather have Rampage Jackson as Barret. youtu.be/QxaNV5nrYEQ?t=20

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