What do they actually do?

What do they actually do?

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The point is for Lumon to demonstrate that Severed employees can execute tasks and follow orders, so they can sell the procedure.
They don't need to actually DO anything at this stage.

Nobody knows. Scary numbers. Also probably fucked up stuff on the testing level.

Aha, working on their own severance.

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it's glowie shit and they're probably killing tons of people without being aware of it

They work for the cube

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Nothing, it's all an experiment, like mice in a maze.

There's a letter somewhere from a woman who worked the same job, heavely implied that she blew up competitor's truck when she finished, I don't think that's all they do though

>Oh boohoo I drive to work everyday and wake up once the work day is over without remembering anything that happened.

I would sever myself if it meant i never had to work another day.

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They do fucked up shit but they can't tell with that chip in their heads. It's why the numbers are scary to them.

It's the people who are doing the work that are all pissed off about their lives performing slave labor for all eternity with no rest you fucking retard

>I would sever myself if it meant i never had to work another day.

You would missing out on most of your life. Given that you would be working 8 hours a day and then another 8 hours sleep, you would only have 8 hours life a day.

On top that you would essentially be creating a new life - new version of "you". A verison of you who is trapped at work forever, they wouldn't even get the disconnect being able to go to sleep, they would always just be there.

nothing, it's just for testing severance

Oh no I'm missing out on the 8 hours a day i go to a place and do something that I hate along with people that i despise.

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>Severed you fucks cutie coworker in the office bathroom every cycle.
>You never get to experience it and spend your time at home jerking off and in front of your computer.

what did they mean by this?

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My guess is its a product demo for the severance chips but also testing emotional interconnectivity or some shit because all those people who say "How can numbers be scary?" are missing the point that they have chips in their fukin brains

You realize that its also you that you trapped in 24/7 slave labor right? I mean i would do it to myself but i wouldnt be surprised if innie me killed ourself just out of spite

Your normie is kind.

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so is she in a slave closet or some ehit

Helly dresses amazingly
Mark dicks around
Irving gays
Dylan nerds

It's a tech demo for the viability of the chips in hopes to sell it to all businesses. They have been able to show that they can make workers do unknown tasks based on intuition (scary numbers), believe in complete false narratives that regulate their behavior (the wars between departments), treat company values like a religion (Irv's memorization of the company handbook like it's the Bible), and suppress memories so thoroughly that a wife and husband can work together without even realizing it. Those are the type of things that can make near perfect slave caste that still appear ethical and humanitarian.

Dylan is hilarious

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>A verison of you who is trapped at work forever, they wouldn't even get the disconnect being able to go to sleep, they would always just be there.
i would go on a killing spree so fucking fast, ALWAYS being at work would be such a fucking torture

why did millchek do that? was he trying to bait dylan?

>Dylan is hilarious
Easily the worst part of the show, only there to bring zoomer self-aware humor.

Also he looks like that guy from Berserk (pic rel.)

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Make a boring tv show that could have been a decent episode of black mirror, but instead had to be stretched across hours and hours of boring filler.


This is why Black Mirror is shit.
The premise itself in Severance is nothing special, the tension they manage to create throughout is what makes it fun to watch unravel.

They spent most of their time wandering around the halls and bitching about their job, if they wanted to sleep at work, they could have easily just slept at work.

Black Mirror is shite lad