What are the comfy-core japanese movies? I have seen Adrift in Tokyo

What are the comfy-core japanese movies? I have seen Adrift in Tokyo.

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From the top of my mind:

Still Walking
I Wish
Linda Linda Linda
Wood Job
Letters from the Mountain
After the Rain

This is objectively the greatest japanese movie ever tabarnak

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Not very comfy though desu

This was pretty okay.

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nobody knows is comfy but sad
kikujiro is pure comfy



comfy is just a code word for boring desu

boring without getting bored

Hana-bi is kino

Im not bored when Im comfortable, Im happy. Stop trying to start shit, go do some pushups.

our little sister (umimachi diary)

Any Ozu film in colour
Pretty much any 90s Kitano film
0.5 mm
The Whispering Star
Little Forest
Probably a ton of others that I'm forgetting
Japanese films in general tend to be quite comfy so you can't really go wrong

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Love Letter is kind of lacking aside from being comfy, but holy shit is it comfy

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> Blade of the Immortal
look no further OP, bring your gf (male) also


fucking hell that has gone down. when i was in Japan a few years ago I accidentally withdrew 50,000 yen and it was like £400, now it's £312

Gakuryu Ishii trilogy is the best for that with great OST

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based comfyman

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He has a loli