Black washing

Why is it ok to black wash but not whitewash? Every other Hero show thinks it's ok to take an already established hero and make them black. If we as white people did this, we'd be racists.

>b-but white people don't got no heritage or some shit!
Really? If you pull this card, let me remind you that we have almost a good 60% of this world. Ireland, Scotland, Canada, England, South Africa, Australia, Russia, I'm sure there are a LOT of other places I'm missing that are white. Lots of culture all over. Yes, I'm 100% defending white people and there's nothing wrong with it because we need it. There's a black Batman now and it's Lucious Fox's Son, Tim Fox, who is the new future Batman. The reason I'm ok with this is cause the Bat mantle was passed down to him. Not turning Bruce Wayne black.

They did this with Kid Flash/Wally West, Iris West, Jimmy Olsen, and soon a Black Constantine. I know I'm missing a few but I can't remember them ATM. All I'm saying is that I think it's bullshit that it's ok to blackwash but it's not ok to white wash. If they get to do this, I want a WHITE Static Shock.

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wasn't there a black flash in the comics or cartoons or something?

They made Wally Black in the comic because he's black in the live action version

Why is it always the redheads?

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>traditionally marginalized community gets modicum of media representation

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Because jews run your country and they are dancing on your face.

But that doesn't make sense, why would the Jews care about anyone but themselves? Most Jews are white skin-toned, yes I'm aware "Jews" aren't "White" but you get my point. Most of them are either "White" like most of us, or slightly brown like someone splashed a bit of dirt on them. Either way, the Jews controlling the media is nothing new, and makes no sense to say, "Hey they wanna get rid of white people" because if it wasn't for white people most of what you know wouldn't exist.

>traditionally marginalized community
Since when? 1940?
>gets modicum of media representation
Having prominent roles in every tv show/commercial/movie/record company/etc is just a modicum? You realize there are other ethnicity like arabs, east asians, etc. right?

because your faggot ass is too much of a pussy to do anything about it

>and makes no sense to say, "Hey they wanna get rid of white people" because if it wasn't for white people most of what you know wouldn't exist.
The fuck does any of this even mean? Jews hate white people dipshit they always have.

the reason for doing it is to sow racial decent. The more you focus on hating blacks the less you focus on the real culprit

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OK what do you have then? You think you're so smart, lets see your plan user.

They only hate us cause a book created by men to tell them what do believe in told them that we are bad when in reality most jews are asshole greedy dicks. I'm not even being an asshole here, this is from what I've seen personally. I wanna love everyone.

Wich is?

>They only hate us cause a book created by men to tell them what do believe in told them that we are bad when in reality most jews are asshole greedy dicks
No they literally hate us because from an early age they realized they are biologically programmed to loathe and fear white people. Remember being 3 years old? remember seeing the black kid on the playground and feeling a sense of "wtf is up with this funkee homosapien" that is how jews feel about you but they get a different sensation they get a sense of hate.

>Wich is?
no clue

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Jews and leftists are hypocrites.

None of this makes any sense user

They made Green Lantern white.

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Are you... Fucking retarded? Hal Jordan has always been white. There are like 5 or 6 GL's on Earth

how did it taste?


that obvious bait you just swallowed whole

>Why is it ok to black wash but not whitewash?
The establishment is virulently anti-White. There is a clear and obvious war being waged against White people in The West.

To be fair user, people are pretty stupid about GLs and whatnot. Most people don't know anything outside of the movie or JL/U TAS

Black people in the US make up 13% of the population, but far, far, higher proportion of film/tv characters. Hispanic are the ones being under-represented.

The Jewish elite want a beige mono-race that's smart enough to work and consume, but not smart enough to challenge for power.

I consider the latter being the people that say shit like, "Can someone else do it?" and then we get it but us nerds are like, "FUCK YOU"

>But that doesn't make sense, why would the Jews care about anyone but themselves
They do care about themselves.
They basically own all of the media outlets and in turn own what low intelligent people who lack independent thought and critical thinking see and observe in the world.
From this they are dividing races and conquering them, creating discord so races will fight against each other rather than the actual enemies that are controlling the retarded peoples world view....the jews.
Why do you think so much racial hatred and segregation and now sexual perversion is being forced into the world stage.
There is a plan, a ploy and that is what their mission is.

AAre you by any chance a brainlet?
Jews are scared of white people, white people have conquered them by superipr force for 1000s of years
They cannot win against the white race (or any race without white people) by strength of arms, so they are trying to use subversion tactic, in media, the cause discord and disharmony among races so that "we" as in white and other races fight among ourself rather than focus on who the real issue is.
Zionism is a fucking huge generational ideology that has been around for so long it is engrained in their being.