Why do colonials ruin the language and its prestige?

Why do colonials ruin the language and its prestige?
English was ruined when the US let the mutts in. Spanish and Portuguese requires no explanation. French somewhat escapes with Quebec but that's it.

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Do elaborate

>English was ruined when the US let the mutts in
RP and general American are very similar in everything but accent, and a few very minor spelling and grammar rules.
In fact, the pronunciation used in the USA is more similar to the english used in the 18th century than what is spoken in the UK right now.

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we improved the language and it's prestige, foreigners only know portuguese exists because of us


Gerúndio é superior ao infinitivo

>mfw portuguese language is already completely mongrelized, all portuguese children listen to pt-br in youtube
>mfw more and more brazilian brown filth moves to portugal every day
>mfw portugal will become brown filth in my lifetime, faveloid afroid brown genetic trash from brazil and african colonies will destroy all portuguese monuments
Holy BASED, the children need to pay for the crimes of their grandparents. Portugal WILL pay for its macabre racemixing policies, for all the africoons they imported to South America, and for the creation of Br*Zil
Holy FUCKING based

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Try not having any colonies the next time; It might work.


I won

It's OUR language now blackboi

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he's right lol, if it were only for Portugal portuguese'd be a shitty spanish dialect

Speaking of colonies, what the fuck happened in Australia and North America? Their language lost all colour. Even the Africans and the Indians have better English.

The thing that i hate most about the p*Rtuguese is how they are hypocrital.
When i see i hate p*Rtugal, they assume its because of the cliche "muh indio genocide gold" stuff then go patriotic, say how Brazil has been independent for 200 years, how Japan recovered from two bombs etc.
Then i tell them It has nothing to do with that, but for the creation of Brown filth: the country. For all the millions of negroids they introduced in south america, all their pro-racemixing policies (im not even talking about the rape against natives stuff here) etc, and time simply wont fix that.
Then tell call me a heckin RAYCIS and how brown "people" is just as competent and that our race have nothing to do with that.

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The "i will never slave in brown shit" fucked up you right? Seek help my compatriot

Yes, but the guy has a point; Brazilians - on average - butcher the language and are generally not concerned the slightest with any serious intellectual endeavor, but we weren't always like this.

He could try just ignoring my country altogether; it'd probably do him well.

mas o brasil nunca teve ouro

we didn't butcher shit tho, do you actually like how original portuguese sounds like?

What about all Haitians and Africans that speak “French”?

You made a nasal language even more nasal. You also achieved in fucking up the pronounciation for /d/, /l/, and /t/. Good job.

>shitty spanish dialect
Couldn't think of anything more "Spanish" than that. "Spain" and "Spanish" doesn't exist, simply a myth created by the Castilian to enforce their superiority and push their claim over over the rest of Iberia. The Criminal Castilian State corrupts and destroys other languages and cultures even to this day. Claiming other languages to be subservient to "Spanish" has always been your play.

>tu vai
>olhei ela


All our modern languages butchered latin
You did it even more after we left and the arabs took over

>Ruin the prestige
On that list, only French was once prestigious, English happens to be rn.
Other former prestigious languages were greek, sanskrit and I guess arabic but only because muzzie muzzie book, idk if it counts.