What's her best role other than Aquaman?

What's her best role other than Aquaman?

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Deposition (2016)

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>you know you slipped up don't you Ms Heard?

No that’s not true I don’t know what you’re talking about I don’t know how you’d call TMZ I don’t even know what TMZ is!

Leave this woman alone.

the part I don't get here is that she was the one making that testimony before. How do you make that testimony, know what you said, then still fuck it up and let them burn you by denying what you already got caught admitting to?

Because her entire story is a hoax. She can’t keep a decade of lies straight.

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Don't you mean what, if any role?

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She didn't really have any credibility, but she really fucked it by claiming she DIDN'T write the shit in red lipstick while Johnny was writing in the paint.
I mean it defies all other explanation. There's just two of you in the house. Clearly it was you Amber. Why even deny it? It's so fucking stupid, Johnny isn't going to go find lipstick to write a response to himself while he's writing in black paint.
It's like she started down that lie road and couldn't figure out a way to turn the ship around. Did she deny writing this in the UK trial too?

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That testimony is private :)

Why the fuck was the Latina lawyer allowed to be so antagonistic towards Amber Heard?

Dr Evil

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>watch that piece of shit

no they have the vid depos - so was she asked about that?

I'd hire her. Actors are crazy. She's beautiful & talented.


>What if any patron saints have you summoned today?

This movie was awful and she was the worst thing about it

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It was my lawyers! They leaked it! It's all orchestrated by Depp's team! He's been planning this since 2009 when he got me arrested after he beat up my wife! It's been him all along!

Why would I do this to him I didn’t want anything from him and I could have done it a lot differently if I had!

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I type excerpts from this into the YouTube comments sometimes with “Britney” subbed for a random woman in the video. It’s never failed to get a reply

Oh come on - it wasn't that bad. And she wasn't the WORST thing about it.

Cringe. Never back down was kino

This is like on To Catch a Predator when the guy who was caught previously shows up again.


She wasnt, she was doing her job of selling Johnnys account to the jury. Ambers lawyer was actively arguing with the judge constantly and the judge had enough of her too

with a dash of kim jong il

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>Amber 'The Turd' Heard

She's neither

God damn it I want her to laugh at me and object to my small dick bros

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>objection: lack of foundation

Is she going to get in trouble for tampering with evidence? It's pretty blatant

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Playing herself is my favourite role.

Especially the part when she looks like shit compared to average women in court kek.

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no those were taken in different lighting

>what if any dick?


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Nightmare fuel.

There’s that glare patch on her forehead in the same position in “both” photos. That edge on her mangled nose. It’s over.

All the Boys Love Mandy Lane but she didn't need to act

I don't know/care about her or her career but I'm sure she will have a promising new career as a scat porn actress after the trial.

>Ive never photoshopped a picture. I dont even know what that means


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It's literally the same picture

for me- it's bottom right

>I don’t know how you’d call TMZ I don’t even know what TMZ is!
>I don't even know how to upload a video online
She's done that a few times. I mean, this bitch obviously has a publicist. Her publicist has TMZ on fucking speed dial. And she HAS UPLOADED assloads of videos to her twitter. Shit she's taking video of Johnny.

This bitch getting JUSTed is the funniest thing I’ve seen in years. It’s unbelievable how immortal Johnny Depp is. He never really loses.

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Yeah no shit. Amber denied that, said they were different pics.

It was incredible watching her literally ACK herself just rambling on that nakedly fake denial. There’s losing the trial and there’s dying on the stand.