How common are Russian looking people in Serbia?

How common are Russian looking people in Serbia?

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not very, most russians have a distinctive look not typical for this part of europe

Give me an example of a "russian looking person"

Zero, they have nothing to do with Russians other than larping as them.


Attached: vitalik.jpg (960x720, 47.86K)

Their phenotype is usually just a bit different, even there are white Serbs. A few years ago I was in Serbia with a Russian guy and he looks nothing like Serbs.

Attached: a2b.png (500x553, 348.51K)


Extremely rare

>hey neighbour komšija come and join us for some ćevapi

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Mogao bi da prodje kao Madjar

I've seen a some Serbs with Asian-like eyes

Those were mutts of some sort

komšija iz subotice

What could they be mutted with? It's not like there are Asians in Serbia

I don't think I've ever seen a native Serb with Asian eyes. Where did you see it?

One was a famous female singer and the other I think a male actor or a singer, too. I don't remember either's name, though tbqh

he from tuva dude


i am a blue eyed and blond, lift every 2nd or 3rd day and i look like those statues nazis used to make but maybe only 15% of serbia has my phenotype
i would say another 20% looks straight out of india/pakistan/turkey, they are swarthy fucking BLACK hair and eyed gypsies with a dirty disgusting looking yellowish-brown skin
majority looks like unholy mutts you see in usa

serbia is the real brazil, dont come here, brazil only larps as a jungle we are the real jungle
i am on my plan #123123 to escape this place after my previous plans backfired