Prequels vs sequels

Which is the better trilogy?

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Sequels are better because the actors perform better. The prequels are shit, but the plot makes more sense.

Prequels only in the sense that they come off better than the Sequels, which is a low bar to hurdle over

>Sequels are better because the actors perform better.

No they don't. Prequels' wooden acting comes off more genuine than reddit-tier quip-acting of the Sequels.

Prequels by far, the Sequels didn't even have a vision behind them they were just churned out

>Sequels are better because the actors perform better.

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Sequels are better at being nonsensical, left wing, cliche, unoriginal jew poop

Prequels, this shouldn't even be a question.

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I guess the Sequels had better clones

The Phantom Menace - shit
Attack of the Clones - shit
Revenge of the Sith - alright

The Force Awakens - good
The Last Jedi - alright
The Rise of Skywalker - shit


revenge of the sith is god tier though

Prequels = kino
Sequels = cringe

watch the RLM reviews

Lol no.


No thanks, Mike

Prequels, because while weak on their own they improve the original trilogy

The prequels tried to do something new and sucked. The sequels tried to copy the originals and somehow fucked up anyways.

Watch their praise of The Force Awakens and know that they've been utterly discredited.


What was Mark Hamill thinking here? Is it true the movie had been greatly changed in post production?

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