Why do they act like they have a comparable power of either US or EU?

Why do they act like they have a comparable power of either US or EU?

Attached: 2560px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom_(2-3).svg.png (2560x1707, 44.83K)

They know we'd back them up

Should know they're bigger than them

Yeah. Its like Poland

because they weigh themselves in stones, literal cavemen.

At least Poland has palatable food

Delusional and inflated ego. Granted, they have incredible rates of inbreeding for a western nation.

They already peaked as a country, back in the early 1900's, and they are desperately holding onto those times. Despite the fact that their cunt is clearly an Indian colony, the bong underclass seems to think engerland numba 1 is a real thing in 2022

How do we bring them back to their senses? I read BBC (the newspaper) from time to time and it's pretty sad how delusional they are.

im gay

pls don bully
we are small and humble nation
we love all the peoples and desire friendship
but Rothschilds thoroughly own this country

Can I have a large doner and cheesy chips please mate, lots of chilli sauce.

If we were even a fraction as irrelevant as you foreigners always like to claim we are, then half the world wouldn't still be seething about us. Anglophobia is still widespread, especially on the internet. Hell, I WISH we were irrelevant. Seems comfy, tbqh. But to come back to my original point, there's a reason you made this thread about Britain and not Portugal, Italy, Spain, Sweden, or the Netherlands.

You can't have it both ways.

they're historically based and we spy on shit together

island mentality is one hell of a drug

>he doesn’t know

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The UK probably is more relevant than the EU though by sole virtue of being the US’s most prized golem

Being hated is not the same thing as being relevant I'm afraid

rent free

People laugh at you because of how pathetic you are. Not because you are doing anything useful or impressive.

With your logic, India is the best country on earth because there are 15-20 India threads made by non Indian posters every day, on Any Forums alone.

We have more power since both the US and EU as well as the rest of the world answer to us. Only Russia and China operate outside British rule but they respect us more than any other Western power.

I hate your kind if ww3 comes idk which side my country picks I already know the names on my bullets.

they are literally so disconnected from reality its scary lol I have no idea what their media has been feeding them for the past 20+ years now
exhibit A:

The USA invaded Iraq because we told you to and you lot still come to us for advice from the Foreign Office. Your whole country is our pawn.

you know that one or two posts on 4channel do not represent the sentiments of the majority of this country, right?

Yeah... no
We did it because we wanted oil for our trucks and SUVs. you are completely irrelevant to every single politician and billionaire in America. Nobody cares if you got nuked, well it would be sad because its one less faggot country to make fun of when we are bored kek