Euclid's fifth postulate

>Euclid's fifth postulate

Attached: soy_fej.png (1080x1080, 2.69M)

Wrong board?

Any Forums is Ersatz /kway/

he's making fun of greeks so it's related

>Gödel’s incompleteness theorem

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> (OP) #
>Wrong board?

Attached: soy1.jpg (250x248, 8.46K)

What's that?
Fair enough
That doesn't look like me THOUGH

Int is a soyak board. Anything you post with a soyjack is int related.

Do you think /qa/ will ever come back from the dead?

I never posted on /qa/. Soyjack was made here and they culturally appropriated it. They deserve to suffer.

Didn't also gigachad originate here? I remember stuff like
>Why yes I do in fact do this thing, how could you tell
Way before normies got a hold of it

>Grigori Perelman

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I believe the Chad Vs Virgin meme is from r9k, but that's just a rework of the Smug Pepe Vs wojak meme, which is just the remake of the old rage comics. Nothing original was created on Any Forums since 2008. I take back my claim about int inventing soyjack. Because it's just a rework too.

Hes based tho

It's over...

rage comics are a reinvention of classic comics, which are a reinvention of classical painting, which ultimately can be traced back to cave painting THOUGH

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>I am being hunt...AAAACCCKKK

Attached: P6220706.jpg (960x720, 162.78K)

qwah lost albeit

>Arrow's impossibility theorem
>Pauli exclusion principle
>Fermat's little theorem
>Law of Large Numbers
>Euler substitution
>differentiation under the integral sign
>Weierstrass convergence criterion

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I remember the gigachads pics were posted on Any Forums first

I just skimmed the article on know your meme. Apparently it went from reddit through pol, int and other boards and around the internet

>I just skimmed the article on know your meme

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Yeah I know, I don't browse fit so the sculpturejak somewhat represents me