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>ayys are gods that can do whatever they want
>kidnap a dude to watch him grow old
>turn him into a god babby
funniest shit i've ever seen

It was created to be a companion/collaboration piece to the book. If you didn't read it, then the movie will not make much sense.

Can you explain then please? As succinctly as you can. Tell me about the star child! Why does he wear the bubble?!

People dont have a cohernt umderstanding of what ayys could be. Either its a humanoid gray or something omnipotent god like thing, but in the end still humanoid. Carbon based lifeforms are more than certain to never create space travel beyond their own galaxy and the thought of higher dimensional beings is just something for spoopy demon shit.

Those scenes are symbolic, not literal. It's the metamorphosis of man.

DaBaby doo rooo doo roo let's gooooo

It’s a white baby

The tl;dr is: dude reached a higher state of being and was "reborn" into the universe as a result. The boom covers it pretty well. It's short too so you could knock it out in a day if you wanted to.

>Those scenes are symbolic, not literal.
he ends up in a place where space time and thought are the same thing and takes a few beats to realize it. ends up as spacebaby floating near earth because he wants to be young and see earth

That's Bowman. He's now this immortal thing with omnipotent powers and de facto master of Earth. In the book, a nuclear war is breaking out so he stops it. It's not that complicated, really. It's your basic "nuclear weapons are bad" message, which was and is very popular to write about.

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The book was written based on an early version of the script. They aren't the same and I made the mistake of reading the book before seeing the movie.

why did he turn into Joe Biden later on?

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What? The book doesn't mention any nuclear weapon or war, what are you talking about?

they show orbital weapons platforms right after the monke men

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Try rereading the ending. It's not outright called a nuclear weapon, it's called something else like a death casket or someshit.

I think that's a satellite that's gonna fall out of orbit with its payload.

Is this look whos talking

he achieved true gnosis

>dude reached a higher state of being and was "reborn" into the universe as a result
sounds a lot like a mushroom trip desu

The movie book were made concurrenty. Clarke and Kubrick worked together on them and intended them to be companion pieces.