What's your favorite Michael Shannon kino?

What's your favorite Michael Shannon kino?

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His beating the shit out of some dude selling irons and burning his face off.

Take Shelter. Has mommy Chastain in it too.

Man of Murder. He's a great Zod.


The Shape of Water
My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done?

He was great in Waco.

whenever he freaked out in Boardwalk Empire. didnt do it enough though, waited 3 fkn seasons for him to bool out

Kangaroo Jack

Michael Shannon looks like a facemorph fusion of Tarantino and Willem Dafoe.

Take Shelter.

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Van Alden

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His drug dealer mentor character in The Night Before was great as usual.

>You won't 404 us yourself, but you'll auto-sage us to page 10 for eternity. Chris Pool-El was right--you're all a pack of fools!

>We could have built new memes in this squalor, but you chose the Plebbitfags over us. I exist only to make shitposts. That is the sole purpose for which I was born. And every reply I make, no matter how retarded or how off-topic, is for the greater good of my thread. And now... I have no thread.

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Delocated. Only one ep, but it's my favorite.

Groundhog Day

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this. He takes a stupid plot and turns into a decent movie. Plays a really convincing schizo

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>Tfw last I was at Disneyland the Rey character was fixing that x wing ship in galaxies edge while the fighter pilot watched

I had a chuckle

how do you fuck up a wheat farm


The one where Dennis Hopper is calling him a Nigger. True Romance I think.


>My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done?

Bug is great too but it's an unpleasant movie to watch. Shotgun Stories is also alright.

I really like him, always wished they'd put him in a new True Detective season or something.

First glance I thought that was BTS, and Daisy working with the director.
For a second, everything made sense.