white boy

> white boy
>meet a nice African girl on tinder
>she is ultra Christian and says she would never date a atheist
Should I pretend that Jessie Christ is my lord and saviour lads?
Pic not her

Attached: E364791E-FD72-4B44-A62E-E74B5CDDFF7E.jpg (1536x2048, 512.92K)

Jesus christ*

Give her to me and fuck off

>be (subspecies of human)
>meet a nice (subspecies of human) on (human marketplace)
>she is ultra (human label) and says she would never date a (human label)
why are you so soulless?
do you guys not make real human connections at all that you have to quantify humanity to such crude tags?

Jessie is a good lad

>dude can't you see we're all like... individuals n shit...
outside reddit those "crude labels" are considered useful categorisations to make communicating information easier

how exactly is he supposed to describe an african christian girl he has never met irl, and juxtapose her with his own secular european background, without labels/categories?

do you want him to go

>be= John
>meet Marissa on tinder

or something

hey where has jw user been?

Bongs are living in extreme despair, do you think its easy to not see the sun in 300+ days a year and then be scorched like a pig?
Jesus Christ (the Son of God) have mercy on them.

I haven’t quantified anyone, I have no problem dating a Christian, it’s her that said she wouldn’t date an atheist or muslim

so why are you considering lying to her when it's obvious that the only thing she cares about are your specifications? you wont be happy pretending you're a christian and she will inevitably upgrade you to a christian 2.0 later down the line.

I will happy lie about being a man of god the rest of my life for a darkskin cutie

>on dating site

Yes, you should pretend to believe in God and hopefully if you pretend long enough you'll realize the error of your ways and believe for real.

dear Jessie hear the laughter running through the love parade

Stay away from imbeciles

>Should I pretend that Jessie Christ is my lord and saviour lads?
No, you should believe it and live it. This woman is trying to teach you something tremendous and you are using it as a means to an end.

just say you're a protestant and you dont need a church for you beliefs simple as and you worship the lord your own way

No they aren't.
It's literally something that exists only on Any Forums

>african girl
are you that desperate

Have you ever cummed inside a black girl?
There's nothing better