First two seasons depicted Nazis as grounded people

>First two seasons depicted Nazis as grounded people
>Season 3 has them go full LE EVIL MODE

Why did they change it all of a sudden?

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Because woke is le good

Because the Allie’s were transphobic against the Nazis

i wish this show was just about the geopolitics of a future where the axis one and not a shitty resistance time travel bullshit story

The (((Soviets))) literally sent millions of Nazi trannies to gulags

It set LGBTQIAAP+123 rights back 80 years

here we go again

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First two seasons were presented as a dystopian nightmare and they were still preferable to the reality we were living in. So they had to amp up the prop.

>nooo you can’t discuss Nazis in a thread about Nazis

Can I have a single article, tweet by writers, anything to indicate that things were supposedly “changed” due to audiences sympathizing with Nazis?

Atm the narrative only exists on Any Forums and seems like a incel fanfic

too many normans wanted to live there

Yeah it was a trans utopia

either way you lose dumbass; it becomes garbage on season 3 either way.

The nazis were too based

what is your explanation for why they changed then?

Which part of would you choose to live in Any Forums?

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The tranny part

It was too good of a world in the first two seasons, and you're not allowed to think freely on this subject. So they had to start using caricatures.

Easily the Great Reich.

How is neutral zone administered?

Just read the book.

Was the Japanese guy still based in it?

Wasn't it basically lawless cowboy land?


>Hate niggers
Tough call. I guess the Greater "Nazi" Reich and get a visa to work in the Japanese Pacific States. Get to bang Japanese girls but as a respected ally not a third class citizen on the same level as niggers.

I heard Smith isn't in it, and he's in all good parts of the show. so I assumed the book was all lame resistance shit

Because of the rise of nazis in current day (Trump)

is that a real question? anyone who could would pick the reich, right?

So America?

Neutral Zone, fuck them both. Gonna be free on my comfy farm.

Is there an actually decent alternative history like this that keeps the Nazis as real people and doesn't descend into "Nazi's ebil reeeeee"? That movie Fatherland is the only thing I've seen that comes close.

Attached: Nice Guys - Fatherland (1994).jpg (256x388, 17.94K)

Yeah I never understood why people assumed it made them look good.