I'm reading a text by Fidel Castro named The world government in which he says that Hippies...

I'm reading a text by Fidel Castro named The world government in which he says that Hippies, Rock and MTV were a CIA's plot to fuck people with drugs and hedonism

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classical commies were all chuds

The CIA doesn't even deny this. They wrote the most influential hair rock songs of the 80s.

He was right.

Old school MTV was awesome

Rock music is so awful. Why do boomers like that trash?



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Based and bahía de cochinos pilled

Fidel Castro was a Falangist

>Fidel Castro was a Falangist
Commie bros not like this

uhhh bros....

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Based if true

>Educación Americana

The CIA wrote this post

why does the CIA still exist? just to destroy everything it touches?

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Why were commies during the cold war such massive chuds?

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Anyone who tries to get rid of them dies.

"drugs" should be completely legal

that's not really surprising. jews were influential in bringing those about as well as the immigration reform to let browns in en masse and the sexual revolution to further break down society and push fag tranny shit

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