Satan lives on a secluded floating island with no knowledge of morals and ethics and creates life just to see them do...

>Satan lives on a secluded floating island with no knowledge of morals and ethics and creates life just to see them do things for his amusement, including watching them die in fun ways
>this makes him le evil

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i dont remember asking

shut up satan

Yes it's a bad assessment of Satan. In no way accurate at all.

reminds me of a certain somebody upstairs...

he does know about morals in this depiction and is actively trying to deceive the kids

This sounds more like god himself.

Sounds like you missed the point bro.
These guys almost got it but they're still off the mark. The point is that Satan is portraying his own view of what he thinks God is like.

Satan is depicted as a solipsist. Solipsism is the purest form of evil.

The movie writer's point is that Satan is incredibly powerful, but lacks empathy. He cannot rationalize other being's existences as being like his own, including their happiness and pain, as compared to God, who is also powerful but does understand. Its also shown by the fact that Satan has no body, just emptiness covered in armor and a mask.

before one of you reddit fags gets all BUT GOD IS LE HECKIN EVIL TOO i'm just explaining what the writers were trying to convey

so basically satan/evil translates to pure logic and reason while emotions and consequences are evil, sounds like they were ahead of time on kike propaganda

Wasnt satan in gods team as his personal favourite for a very long time??? I think he should know what god is like at that point.

he’s too egotistical and seething. he doesn’t want to accept that anyone could know better than him

Putting aside possible differences between Satan and Lucifer, I don't mean that Satan doesn't know what god is like. My point is that Satan is essentially saying "Look, this is what god does. Fucked up, isn't it?" He's just not outright stating it because deceit and trickery are kinda his thing.

> lone being exiled into in the void creates an imperfect world full of suffering
i wonder if this was intentional

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Satan was prideful and he thinks he can do his own thing but he can't. It actually makes sense for him to try to create life. In fact there are some saints who theorize that when satan finally "creates" a human being that being will be the antichrist.

>the first human the devil creates is the best guy ever and everyone immediately feels inclined to follow him
well damn ok

I wonder why!

It's a mark twain story and there is nothing in the bible that suggests god is able to empathize with humans

sad incel

low iq user, we were made in God's image

sounds like god desu

>"Satan" is an individual

>god kills and tortures almost everyone on earth just to shut it down
>this is somehow the antichrist's fault

The secluded floating island is a metaphor for earth btw.

Pretty interesting read
archive DOT ph/ 8DmDr

God kill's Job's wife and children on a bet, then compensates him with 14,000 sheep. Maybe god is autistic

It is fucked up, yeah.

It's not trickery if he's accurately portraying what god does. If the only difference is that god loves and empathizes with humans, that makes it much more fucked up.

>I can't refute solipsism therefore it is evil

Literally the Demiurge.

I think he (the user) was saying that Satan is speaking in euphemism as a form of 'trickery'.