Late 80's / early 90's action movie

just want to watch a dumb action movie from the late 80's early 90's

any suggestions?

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Big Trouble in Little China.

Under Siege

anything john woo



thanks for the suggestions i've seen all of that stuff maybe i'll watch some john woo shit

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>The King of the Kickboxers (1990)
Possibly the greatest movie of all time.

Tango and Cash


The cult/action/low budget 80s/90s threads are always the best posts on this board.
If you’re looking for a light hearted martial arts comedy buddy film similar to Rush Hour: I’d go with Drive
It’s on Tubi

Youve allready wached them all

Try this one instead

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I second this or something like American Ninja

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there's also the Long Arm of the Law films if you like the hong kong/john woo action films

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Try something a little more modern

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How about Streets of Fire?

Attached: 936full-streets-of-fire-poster.jpg (936x1410, 1.02M)

Thanks for the suggestions. Got something to work with but keep em coming.

>The Robocop Trilogy
>Total Recall
>Hard Boiled
>Jackie Chan's Supercop
>Jackie Chan's First Strike

The Death Wish series gets increasingly ridiculous, and although they're not from the early 90s my go to cheesy action movies from that decade are The Substitute, Daylight, and Hard Rain.