*ruins an entire generation of women*

>*ruins an entire generation of women*

Attached: MV5BM2IyNTQ5NGYtN2NkOS00YTcwLTg2MmQtNmI2N2Q5MWE5YzNlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODk1MjAxNzQ@._V1_[1].jpg (960x1440, 87.79K)

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No it didnt also Jane best girl

She ruined us Transgirls too skull emoji

>suppose to be a show to help women feel more realistic
>Turned out to only appeal to men who wear women's clothes and act like her sarcasm embodies their personal worldview.

I remember watching it as a young boy and thinking 'she's just like me!'
I suppose this means I'm a tranny now.

She was Doug for women.

Attached: image_2022-05-17_052132327.png (963x481, 704.86K)

I want Daria with hairy legs pits and nipples, thanks in advance.

check your inbox, steven

I wish women were like daria

Daria was actually a good role model. She got good grades, read a wide variety of literature, had a good relationship with her parents and was monogamous.
If you want to see what ruined a generation of women, look no further than modern music:

>and was monogamous.
Bitch stole her best friend's boyfriend because he was rich and fucked over her brother who loved her.

my daughters 12 & 14 love megan thee stallion and it make me seethe kek

Bare bottom spankings in the concentration camps.

Bare ass Auschwitz.

That's because she was written by men who were as cynical and glib as she was. In reality, there are plenty of teenage girls with grim demeanors who don't care about being "girly" or popular, but those girls are far more vapid than Daria.

She was a smug, condescending, pseudointellectual, progressive bitch. She became a role model for millions of millennial e girls

Beavis and Butthead was a show about a couple of losers who are seldom portrayed sympathetically.
Daria is a show about a loser who is constantly portrayed sympathetically.

did mike judge make this show? daria didnt even seem like the same character as from beavis and butthead

>Bitch stole her best friend's boyfriend because he was rich
They had far more in common, and they're high schoolers.
>and fucked over her brother who loved her.
Trent? He didn't give a fuck about Daria, the crush was one-sided.

>Trent? He didn't give a fuck about Daria
Fuck off he was her soulmate.

Daria was a smart loser, Beavis and Butthead were dumb losers.

Based shipping headcanon poster.