Im so fucking confused

im so fucking confused

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Me too. Who the hell told this guy he could act? Shoulda stuck with football fuckin meathead.

interesting concept but it lacked emotion, the worst Nolan movie as of yet, but still not a bad movie.


how did nolan get away with it? Maybe it was just a different time *BRAAAAAHHMMM

It's better than The Dark Knight Rises and Insomnia.
Also Pattinson is his best character since Joker
Also best soundtrack since Interstellar
Also best Action scenes since Inception
Also best cinematography of the year.
Also best time travel concept movie since Interstellar.
Also best spy movie since skyfall.

this temporal pincer thing makes no sense to me. what the fuck are the guys going backwards doing if they're operating simultaneously with the guys going forward?

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The movie shits its own rules several times, Nolan is a hack

blue team provides intel for read team and covers their extraction from inverted bad guys
red team provides intel for blue team and covers their extraction from normal bad guys
the final battle sucks because we barely see the bad guys and it's always just Protag/Neil and their friends running around and shooting offscreen

I hated how the movie repeatedly went "wow just think about what this being possible would imply!" and then "ok, don't think THAT hard. Think just enough to be impressed by how the movie sniffs its own farts"

Also, a lot of the movie should have been left on the cutting room floor. Everything related to the woman was forced as hell, and her inclusion to the movie added nothing, except a tool to escalate any situation she's in by doing something retarded every time. The art heist also added nothing to the movie, except really cool action scenes, which would have been nice during something meaningful. The inclusion of these things forced the beginning of the movie have god awful pacing.

It was entertaining enough to be worth a watch though

how did Neil end up in the mine shaft as that body which popped up to take the shot for the protag while he was still doing the actual operation? I'm assuming when he gets on the helicopter at the end, that's him "going off" to go end up in the mine shaft and die? I still don't see how it works concurrently

It's implied that he returns on the helicopter and then inverts again, and joins the blue team, supposedly undercover. So there are technically two Neils in the blue team assault.

>Filtered by Nolankino
Many such cases, sad!

Don’t worry; so was Christopher Nolan when he made it.

Nolan really sucks for not using blood squibs in any of his films. It makes the whole thing feel unrealistic and dumb. He didn’t even use blood squibs in a damn WW2 WAR MOVIE. What a hack.

Turn your brain off bro, it is not supposed to make sense

The huge plothole for everyone who missed it:
So when the protag enters the reverse chamber to chase after the bad guy, he could've just waited in place.
Think about it. I'll use T(x) to refer to different time periods.
T(0): Reverse Sator runs away after shooting Debicki
T(1) : Sator shows up with protag, while reverse Sator threatens Debicki. Both Sators are currently in the room
T(2): Reverse Sator backs into the chamber as forward Sator runs into it to escape
T(3): Protag sees wounded Debicki and asks what happened to Sator and people inform him that he went back through time
T(4): Protag enters the chamber, he now travels through time in reverse
This means that at T(4), if he just waited outside for like 5 minutes, he could have shot reverse Sator exiting the building at T(0)

And it's actually more ridiculous than that. The protag enters the chamber along with Neil and a bunch of soldiers. They then wait in the building for a bit, then Washington leaves. Neil and the team stay behind to nurse Debicki.
There's no way the rest of the team wouldn't have been there when Sator exited the chamber meaning their paths would've crossed. And the film would've ended right there
>tldr; Nolan is too retarded to understand the story of his own film

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What google review did you copy this from?

Very based

>All I have for you is a word.
Bravo Nolan

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