Is the US the only white martial nation left?

Seeing at how bad Russia can’t even take over Ukraine (the US toppled a much stronger iraq and Afghanistan in mere weeks) and how the rest of Europe can’t into military, are we the only white country left that can do military action without looking pathetic?

I mean even the countries we invade welcome us in and don’t kill us lol

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americans arent white though

The US hasn’t had a single Falklands-tier victory since WW2, and you’d have to go even further back for one without help

back to what i cant think of any war won by usa all on their own beside ones against amerindians which isnt really fair

We definitely won in Grenada, Cambodia and Afghanistan.

We have a GOAT K/D Ratio in Vietnam and Afghanistan and Iraq. And that’s really how you define victory

Americans love war and were itching for it. Since none of y’all are man enough to invade us we may start one here

We single-handedly beat the Japs by ourselves
We repelled the North Korean and Chinese invasion by ourselves

What does your country know about war besides switching to the winning side? Americans are the least cowardly people of all time

The Pharoah and his officials thought they were a strong, warrior martial nation until Moses struck them down with plagues and drowned them at the sea.

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americans were 200 million back in the world war and you dare to speak to me about courage lmao
go away mutt you cant win any war unless the enemy was tired fighting actual real countries first

But the jews are with the americans this time

I’m not sure anyone can defeat Americans besides Americans. I served in Iraq and all the locals were pissing themselves on my patrols

Yet in real life I’m armed and you’re not. Coward. Why don’t you volunteer in Ukraine and found out how brave you are

>an italian talking shit about war

Moses was not a Jew (descended from the tribe of Judah), he was a Levite (from the tribe of Levi)

you are using my alphabet i think we are pretty good at forcing people our way

embarrassing thread

why would i fight another people war i am not a cuck

Not as embarassing as the rest of the world sucking this much at war. The US really puts everyone to shame

I’m pretty sure if we invaded Canada, it would take 2 days and there’d be no local resistance

Whatever they're they should gtfo of my continent for good.

So you’re talking shit behind a computer screen? Got it. You can also come to the US and get real acquainted with our 2nd amendment

You can come over and meet the 2nd amendment as well

nice non argument you said why cant i go to ukraine
why would i give any fuck about their war it serves my people no gain

>talking about war


So you’re not a martial nation? People here volunteer for the military all the time because they have the need to prove their toughness and manliness. That’s why soldiers here are universally respected. Seems your country has lost the martial spirit

americans arent respected anywhere though


And where’s all that power projection Finland has?