/Çăvaş/+/Udmurt/+/Mari/+Friends. Mari Edition


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checking in

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What is your ethnicity friend?

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Sorry that's a bit too direct that question. That is my Autism talking.

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Wonderful. The only Mari I met online was living in Canada. How based are Karts?

never dealt with any of these, though I am of Ural Maris so no wonder honestly

Those are the Maris who moved to Bashkortostan to escape Tsarist oppression am I correct? What are relations like with Chuvash, Udmurts and Tatars/Bashkirs?

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yes, exactly
conflicts usually occur with tatars when they're used by the russians to wipe out sacred groves (even though they aren't exactly orthodox muslims, they still feel despisal towards pagans so no suprise here)

Does this still happen? Quite a damning portrait of the RF in the modern day. As someone who is Monotheist I don't venerate spirits but I don't have problems with those who do. If persecution is too strong, I would suggest moving back to Mari El. Markelov no longer runs it.

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it's happening all the time since forests are a valuable resource across the entire country, and you aren't really safe from that in any region
I haven't lived on Ural for 20 years as for now so I don't worry much

Maybe the best solution is having home groves like home temples in Japan. Then ask for the Kart's blessings on the home groves.

Sorry, that was insensitive. Maybe establish community in Japan since the Native Mari Faith is very similar to Shintoism.

nah it's ok I'm not just exactly spiritual, the village I originate from is completely rundown so I'm a native urbanite

udmurt? more like yogurt lmao

You haven't left family completely behind?

Means "Meadow Mortal".

Attached: Marij El.png (120x80, 1.82K)

they are scattered across the cities of the country, too, which is a bit worrying because you know, health doesn't work like in video games, and they should rather be supervised

Why did they all leave?



I think you should all move to a safer place like Japan. It seems the Mari are a peaceable people and fear the Russians.

Too warm.

how are you handling the hot weather