How much money entered northern Europe after northern Europeans conquered the Roman Empire?

How much money entered northern Europe after northern Europeans conquered the Roman Empire?
What were German conquistadors in the Roman Empire like?

Attached: the conquista.jpg (1600x1156, 287.19K)

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Money? Incredible amount of silver and bronze for sure, but also fine silverware, wepons, horses, cattle. Everything that the empire had and northen lands couldn't provide was sure plundered or received as tribute from the many cities littering the italy . but u are in the wrong board

they were barbarians
t. citizen of noricum

What was the Suebian/Visigothnic conquista of Portugal like?
Properties which belonged to previous people were confiscated by the conquerors?

They came to live to rural areas where most of them were farmers. I am one of their descendantas (I can prove it).

It was a change of rulers like when the Romans. They integrated and mixed with locals when they became catholics in 589.

The economy shrunks enormously during the late empire/early middle age to the point people in Gauls and Italy had to leave city and go back to the countryside (in part due to egyptian wheat not coming and in part due to the plague).

What about in Britanny considering they weren't conquered by Germans what was it like, did Latin culture survive there along with the breton one?

*steals all ur schmoneys*

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>What were German conquistadors in the Roman Empire like?

They largely left Rome alone, keeping intact the insitituions, the religion, and the culture.

What you gotta keep in mind is that by this time, the line between Barbarian and Roman was so blurred that you'd have trouble telling between the two, even in the city of Rome itself. The image people usually have of Roman citizens with their Togas and their Gladiators and their senetorial debates was largely dead by this time. The vast majority of Romans wore trousers and tunics, thanks to Germanic influence. The coliseum was reserved only for animal fights, as Gladiatorial combat was deemed un-Christian. And while the senate still met, it was in a largely reduced capacity, and they seemed to be ineffectual at best.

The idea that the Germanic peoples destroyed Rome is a modern invention resulting from French and Italian nationalism to counter the rise of a unified Germany in the 19th century. It simply didn't happen like that. Odoacer and his sucessors didn't storm into Rome and rape, enslave, and murder everyone as they'd like you to believe. He left the administration of the city completely intact. He let the Catholic populace continue to practice what they wished, and never forced anyone to convert to Arian Christianity. He didn't even stylize himself as "King of Italy" until after Xeno the Eastern Emperor rebuffed his attempts to set his lands up as a client kingdom to the Eastern Empire, of which he swore fealty.

Germany/the Germanic people have never done anything wrong in their entire lives. At all points in their existence, they were responding to Roman, Slavic, Anglo and French aggression; something they've been defending themselves from since their inception. It's a sad state of affairs that people think otherwise.

If you're interested in the Barbarian Kingdoms, this guy does great videos about them. He's a professor at U of M.

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German conquerors of Italy took 4/5 of all of the land of Italy as their private property with confiscation this theft makes italians mad till this day where being called a German is an insult.

Vandal the name of Germans made it into the English language for thief and destroyer lol.

They were divided in many different tribes often battling within themselves. Southern Barbarians never sent their booty to the North.

Goths were enslaved by the byzantines and Lombards by the Franks and Normans. All the gold went to the Church and their Frankish-Roman allies.

franks were germans

The Franks and Normans were latinized by the time they conquered parts of Italy.

>franks were germans

They had become highly mixed from living in Belgium/France for centuries. Their descendants are still living here as nobles unironically and they have never sent their gold up to Northern Barbarians.

Attached: 1625724371-maria-carolina-borbone-delle-due-sicilie-la-principessa-sulla-moto-foto-6-500.jpg (702x500, 131.21K)

How many times do I have to say it again? THERE IS NO ROMAN GOLD IN SWITZERLAND! THERE NEVER WAS ROMAN GOLD HERE! Now fuck off!

Holy mother of dindus, barbarian apologizers are so cringe

Do they consider themselves Frankish?
What sorts of names do they have

Karl/ "Charlemagne" spoke an old High German Dialect as his mother tongue TOUGH

A lot of these 'barbarians' (NOT ALL BEFORE YOU HAVE A GO) had been romanised. The west was a total mess by 476, so not much changed when everyone finally stopped pretending that it existed/had any real power. Wealthy Romans in the west tried to integrate into the new order, villas were still being built into the 6th century as they had been being built before the collapse, guys like Sidonius Apollinaris went into the priesthood, others became bandits, some served these new barbarian potentates as learned men etc. Wasn't suddenly everything is le epic civilised evropa, then one day in 476 it became shit, it had been shit and getting worse for a while, politically.

He genocided G*rms and that's a good thing.

They did not conquer anything, there was no mentions of battles happening, the native population just accepted them


>had been romanised
what does this mean?
They conquered them and got someone to write in latin that the land they took is now theirs?

How they fought, some of the barbarian elite having been instructed by Roman tutors, some of the kings presenting themselves like Roman Caesars on coinage, one of the kings in the west asked for the eastern emperor to recognise him for legitimacy, these structures still held power and relevance for these barbarians even after the Roman state had fallen, it had meaning to them. Many would have been vying for Roman favour before the collapse. This is for the groups on the periphery of the empire, for those that came from further afield, like the Huns or the Goths, this wasn't as true.

Also in Spanish. Funny considering they were like 0.0001% of the population

I don't think 400,000 people were that small amount of population.

Would love to know more about the 'Kingdom' of Soissons. Roman rump state that survived the fall of the Roman state in the west, administrated by Romans right smackdab in Gaul, surrounded by barbarian polities, and eventually swallowed up by the Franks.

Britany also survived barbarian invasions, I don't know how latin they were though.

Maybe some latin islands in italy survived the barbarians.

The germanics weren't responsible for the fall of the West, the West collapsed on itself, the germanics were just there to get the scraps.

Now I got to admit I'm surprised that everything Rome had (urbanization, sewage, schools, a cohesive civilian structure of many societal roles) just dissappeared and never got picked up by the germanics up until the end of WW1. You were either a peasant living in a shithole or a noble living the most luxurious life ever.

>or a noble living the most luxurious life ever.
But a wealthy Roman farmer was richer than a medieval king.

But at the end of the day he recognized that the highest authority in the realm of men was an Emperor/Roman Emperor, not some old german leader title aka kunungr.

? Rome created feudalism. The vast majority were already non owners. Moreover, the rise of Rome was tied to the creation of slave plantation farming that forced peasants off the land and into military service

Yeah, it was the Gothic Wars that destroyed the imperial value of Italy. If Justinian had just left the west alone, Italy would have eventually restored the western empire