

Any movies with this aesthetic?

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If you could rape her and no one would know, would you do it?

Imagine being born an ugly(redundant) asian woman

Wish i could rape her and fill her head with unavoidable trauma by being raped by an ugly bastard

Western 'work' is all pretend bullshit supported by financial speculation. No wonder China is taking over

american psycho, obviously. the race of the managerial class is redundant.

>boring soulless movies
Yeah there are thousands

At what point does she work?

Why do American basic-bitches like Starbucks so much? Their coffee sucks, the strongest coffee they serve tastes like crap diluted in way too much water.

People really go to college just to be miserable?

I lived in the south side for four years during school.
It was alright I guess.

11:30 pm - tweet about income inequality and call the working class nazis

Her work consists of doing zoom meetings and eating and drinking coffee in between

this is the most soulless webm i have ever seen on Any Forums

Attached: 7fb.jpg (720x540, 174.43K)

I have to agree.

american psycho

How many dicks did she suck to get hired.

The Devil Wears Prada

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The Endless

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The fuck is a "consultant"?
a completely made up bullshit job
nobody's life is improved by a "consultant" existing

why r u people like this.

>an actual productive action

Anyone who works at HR or whose work mostly consists of meetings can be discarded and is not really doing anything, other than being a woman hired so men have a better work environment (as far as eye candy goes)

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>meetings meetings meetings
So does she actually do any work or is it just sitting around with other worthless drains that don't do any real work?
I have meetings but I code when I'm not in them.

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Honestly some of their sweet drinks are really good...

It's a series, but Succession.

It sucks but they dont know any different, and the drinks they get are all sugar, cream, and syrups anyways so its more like getting a milkshake. The coffee taste doesnt matter.
Also, starbucks are predictable so they dont have to be adventurous.
One other thing is theyre sometimes the only coffee shop around, especially in some big cities where a privately owned coffee shop couldnt afford the rent in an expensive corporate area.

The Girlfriend Experience

trust fund baby or does she really get paid that much for """meetings"""

>lol u tk him 2 da bar|?

This is like an instruction manual for how to hit the wall by 30

Fancy way of showing she did nothing all day

What do these people even do?

fuck, im studying javascript and frameworks atm but this webm makes me reconsider finding work in the bay area. please tell me my life wont be like this.

What a boring and empty life. She must make hundreds of thousands of dollars but I rather still be a neet than live her life tbqh