What the FUCK is his problem?

What the FUCK is his problem?

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I really don’t know how someone can constantly do such stupid shit and get into so much trouble. Especially at his age, he’s just unfathomably degenerate with no sign of slowing down

Is that sir McBreath?

Living up to his last name for 25 years and facilitating the death of Hartman. It’s all coming back to him

When is he gonna rape Chicken Andy?

Hartman was a fucking retard who facilitated his own death by marrying (I repeat, MARRYING) some drugged up psychopathic crackhead cunt. So tired of you fucking redditors spewing this bullshit line about "MUH CLASSIC SIMPSONS FUNNY MAN! ANDY DICK LITERALLY MURDERED HIM BECAUSE HIS DUMB BITCH WIFE GOT COKE FROM HIM AT SOME PARTY 6 MONTHS EARLIER! NOT MY HECKIN WHOLESOME PHILLERINO"

based. Phil killed Phil.

Andy dick is the only cool gay guy

why does casey keep trying to make chicken into chicken poseidon

>bouncing bouncing vodka Andy Deeeeeeeeeck


>drug addict

deserves death

I miss the Ice Poseidon streams. Those were the best IRL content. Loved those days.

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he's gonna be on the Kino Casino this week

are you joking or is this real

andy andy andy dick

Wait did Andy stick his fingers in Ice's butt?

So is everyone just watching to see the eventual death of Andy or is there a comeback arc expected?

dead serious.
andy and PPP just announced it on the rake back

>The Death of Dick-kino were Kermit and Elisa fight over the used dildos and the lizard

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he’s got an oral fixation