Why's that movie isn't getting any recognition? It's extremely well shot and written...

Why's that movie isn't getting any recognition? It's extremely well shot and written, the acting is superb and it has some of the most memorable disturbing scenes ever seen.

What other movies are also heavily underrated?

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It's one of the best horror kinos i've ever seen

op here, pic unrelated

I remember seeing it when it first came out. We knew it was something special but it just didn’t get the marketing.

What, did you listen to the Farm podcast’s latest episode?

Why do illiterate and uneducated ESLs make the worst threads in this website? Jesus it NEVER fails, if a thread was made by an ESL, it's always TRASH.


Attached: Brainleetttt.jpg (800x450, 44.28K)

So well, do you liked it?

Will never understand how it doesn't have a 'cult following'. Obviously people find it too tough and depressing to which I agree.

> In its musings about death, about the end we all fear, Jacob's Ladder proves a deeply affecting and meaningful motion picture. After a screening, you'll immediately want to hug the people you love and then go outside and breathe the fresh air, or otherwise affirm your very existence.

That reception from Wikipedia sums it up for me.

Jacob's Ladder is literally a cult film, you absolute clown

i think that a few things held this flick back. a trailer that misrepresented the movie and a main stream audience who were completely unable to follow the narrative

What's an ESL?

It doesn't because it was big movie, utter retard. It literally inspired Silent Hill and other horror franchises.

>What other movies are also heavily underrated?
You can go through a hundred Vincent Price threads and a thousand western threads without seeing anyone mention this kino

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>it was just a dream bro
whats the point

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>Why's that movie isn't getting any recognition?
I think it gets its fair share. It's mentioned in a lot of threads

BZ Gas. Saddam used it on the kurds around the time this movie came out. A lot of stuff about chemical weapons testing in vietnam, the effects of agent orange, and Gulf War Syndrome were also cropping up.

was that fat italian guy supposed to be an angel?

It wasn’t a big movie in terms of box office. It barely made its money back.

Before watching it I thought it would be a great horror movie but then it turns out it's just a gay vietnam movie.

i tweeted about how much i loved this movie once and tim robbins commented on my post and started following me.

>Tim Robbins is now following you.
>"Hey, it's Tim Robbins! Glad you liked Jacob's Ladder!"
>"Hey, it's Tim again! Just saying hey!"
>"Hey, Tim here! Haven't heard from ya!"
>"Hey, your pal Tim here! Post your address and I'll send you an autograph!"

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