Dutch niggas be like "our economy needs more immigrants"

Dutch niggas be like "our economy needs more immigrants"

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We are just getting replaced. Noting to do with the economy.

Welfare states are ponzi schemes themselves that need more warm bodies. That's the biggest flaw in modern economies and why they're deadset on flooding anyone in.

Oh no not the dutch people :(

Rich Dutch niggas and spoiled women

theres still few orange spots left, also lot of red. netherlands aint finished until every rpart is 1000

Your 100% wrong. Its got everything to do with the economy, maybe not your personal economy but the employers. They would be complete fools to turn down a larger labour pool where they can pick and choose to further their wealth.

Dutchoids get what they fucking deserve!!! (although to be honest Belgium stayed loyal to Spain and are fucked just as hard if not even harder so idk)

Attached: FelipeIIencaballo.jpg (2309x2560, 1.03M)

>We are just getting replaced
good, deal with it chud

I'm moving to the Hague in August. How fucked is it? I visited like a year ago but got sick so I stayed in my hotel room for 90% of it. What I saw was ok though

Ugh, the endless labour pool of illiterate Somali mothers and Meditereanean mafiosos. You do realize that the average refugee costs the state more in gibs than they ever pay back in taxes? And yet "hurr durr we do it for the economy" go fuck yourself faggot. A country with an aging population does not need more unemployed people who can't work.

This. There's some nefarious actor that's been plotting the destruction of all Europeans and the creation of an international slave race. Still don't know who it is though

Posting from the beach, quite comfy but expensive (at least for my thirdie ass), dont forgot to start the 30%tax wager if you can

It's me

Its aight. Its still pretty although its expensive. I am moving to the randstad too.

Based. Thanks for the heads up on that

Alright get him!

As long as the prospects at increasing their wealth outweigh the cost which hits their business and their personal wealth, why should they care? They're not running a charity. And I'm in no way defending their ways, but it isn't very hard to put 2 and 2 together. You also have to remember that there are businesses that require 0 or little education like cleaning rooms at a hotel or the dishes at a restaurant, not everyone is running a tech company or the likes.

Doesn't make sense. The housing prices in the benelux are barely sustainable. We are literally living like rats
>how do we solve the ageing population in our commie tier high pension system?
>I know lets get EVEN MORE people so we'll have EVEN MORE pensions to pay later on

White people can’t breed and having no children means they need another way of getting workers.


As another example some branches which runs haulage employ and educate people from the Philippines and Bulgari because they're cheaper. And to clarify, of course the employers would like for their employees to fulfill the minimum requirements for a person to be able to stack boxes and whatnot. And they're (at least in my cunt) working together with the government to give their feedback on what should be in the curriculum to make people more employable.
Think about it from the employer's point of view.

That ain't the problem of the boomers running our governments, they know they'll be dead by then and theyre voting like it

Employers aren't the largest voting demographic. You're implying they run politics which isn't true

someone has to replace the workforce. someone has to pay taxes.

Western people don't want to have kids and start families so you're going to have to find immigrants instead.

also, let's be honest. part of the reason people aren't having kids is because so many women are feminists and want to be independent. you also have the women with unrealistic expectations who won't settle with anyone who isn't perfect so they end up being cat ladies and wine aunts until their eggs dry up.

until Western countries are acknowledging there is a problem with modern women, the birth rate is going to continue being low and you're going to have to take in more immigrants.

>corporations and their lobbyists don't run politics
Sure thing bro