What's your opinion on the German language? Why aren't you learning it?

What's your opinion on the German language? Why aren't you learning it?

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Everyone there speaks English and I have no plans to go to anywhere where German is spoken.

I love the language,I like how it sounds and how there's a name for anything
learned a little bit of it,can't go on cause I can't afford it

Pretty neat.
I already speak it

>Why aren't you learning it?
take a guess why

you guys are no fun

I want to learn german but I keep hearing its really tough to learn

It's just austrian but pronounced with a gay ass accent

>Everyone there speaks English
imagine believing this lmao

I fuck up the grammar but in basic situations I can get around with it

with that mindset you ain't learning anything intellectually challenging in your life

I have been trying to learn this mother stupid ass language for 2 years now. I hate it. Fuck the German language. Could have only come from pussy faggots who love following rules for no reason.

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I do not deal with the enemy

>What's your opinion on the German language?
I like it

>Why aren't you learning it?
Gaaaah i fell off. i really want to start learning it again though

kinda true doe, just a few days ago i went into the pharmacy and this indian looking guy was talking in english with the german boomer pharmacist, even boomers are ok at english now

It’s cool
I am learning it

it's not true at all you retard
>one boomer did x
no one cares

It's ugly to hear and difficult to learn with words as long as a centipede.

>words as long as a centipede.

I am not him, but I don't speak a lot of German and I get around here completely fine. Even today in my small town I was talking with the old guy (around 65 years old) in the bike shop in English. I've literally talked to the drunk homeless people in English lol.
Only reason anyone would need German is if they want to work a professional job here, and that is a very unattractive option lol.

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go back to your country

Insane that you think anyone would want to stay.

It's useless

Cool it with the racism nazi

so why haven't you left yet?