Continually have been the only countries that are both stably democratic and relatively free for over a century...

>continually have been the only countries that are both stably democratic and relatively free for over a century, and almost single handedly keeping democracy and freedom alive
Why are we so hated again?

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Because of envy

"Freedom" and "democracy" are just empty words we use when trying to justify aggression against other countries, they don't actually mean anything. Any country that's a U.S. puppet or fellow Western imperialist country is a so-called "democracy", regardless of their actual political structure. Any country outside of that is a "dictatorship".

>first past the post
>electoral college

It’s astounding how even a place like France has never had continuous democracy for longer than 80 year

At least we didn't have Hitler and/or communism

shut the fuck up

France had a coup in the fifties and an attempted one in 61

all me

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We had the luxury of taking all the best ideas from over 1,000 years of European progress from Rome to the colonial age, synthesizing them, and implementing them all at once. Basically, a fresh foundation with all the modern tech. Where Europe had to work with some shitty fucked up parts and patch good pieces on top of that.

There's a reason why builders prefer to demolish and rebuild rather than rehab a large outdated structure: it's easier. You have the blueprint.

>muh hitler
lol we didn't either tho we were annexed by hitleru because nobody did protect us, alas the lot of the small country wedged between hostile powers. You're lucky to be too big to fail basically and bordered by canada and mexico and oceans

You've got the CIA fucking it up for many places

>A referendum on the Anschluss with Germany was held in German-occupied Austria on 10 April 1938,[1] alongside one in Germany.[2] German troops had already occupied Austria one month earlier, on 12 March 1938. The official result was reported as 99.73% in favour,[3] with a 99.71% turnout.[4]


I don't think australia uses FPTP

Yeah those numbers don't look dubious at all lmao

Which freedom? You're getting ruled by fucking oligarch like everyone else
Also you're far less "demoocratic" than countries like switzerland or sweden

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You dirty slags wanted it.

>keeping democracy and freedom alive
This is why

The polls said you wanted it before buddy

>Anglophone flag
If it ain't broken...

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>Oh noo rich and powerful men exist in my countryyyyyy!!!

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