What's the worst "great" movie you've ever seen?

What's the worst "great" movie you've ever seen?

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Star Wars
Boring shit. Cant believe it spawned such a franchise. Didnt like Empire Strikes Back either and didnt watch the third one

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pic better not be related pal

Paris is kino. One of my favorite blurays.

Citizen Kane.
Yes, I know all the crap about how it was a leap forward in film making and storytelling but I still find it to be, meh.

every martin scorscese film that is considered great

I loved that movie but I thought the age gap was awkward if I'm being honest, and not even baiting. It was just too much of a gap

Hurt locker

no men hecking peak when they're 60 you wouldn't get it

Forest Gump

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Lawrence of Arabia
Gone With the Wind
literally any movie made by Stanley Kubrick

it's extremely schmaltzy and pretty manipulatively "emotional" if I'm being honest with myself. I don't think it's bad but its insanely overrated

>that webm
I was just on that thread

what thread

Arrival is absolute ass

Forrest Gump, there's some nice sequences in it but it hasn't aged well at all

Yeah the whole time it's telling you moment to moment what to feel and the entire story feels like it has zero stakes because it takes place in such a contrived universe, basically does the total opposite of Paul Schrader's golden rules of filmmaking at least superficially


you forgot a 5

oh no I'm a retard sorry

i-i swear i've been lurking since puddi guys

>puddi was 12 years ago

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Gone with the Wind.

How should we feel about all those lost years?

None of these are great films. Good, not great.

Blade Runner
there's nothing to connect to, the characters suck, the story is jumbled fucking mess, it poorly explores its themes. The visuals look great, that's it

Blade Runner 2049 was significantly better.

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The gap was only about 20 years. She just aged well while he walked in the desert for ten years.