I don't get it

this show is just not funny.
do americans really laugh at this shit?

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Look at those tits tho

6.8 million jews died in the holocaust undergoing some of the most painful and torturous deaths known to mankind and here you are belittling something great that they have created. You should be ashamed of yourself


You didn't get filtered by a sitcom, right?

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Anglogermcucks will never be European no matter how much they cry about jews or blacks, sorry. In fact jews and blacks would be European before any anglogermcuck

Cool it with the antisemitism

Oh vey, don't forget the other 5 million.

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I have never watched Seinfeld.
What's the show about?

The other 5 weren't jews so they don't get talked about.

There's no plot

Elaine's quest to become the throat GOAT

It's about sharing every excruciating detail of their daily lives at Jerry's apartment

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"Nothing" aka Jewish purgatory

I like it

>It was sussy, Jerry! SUSSY!


Observational comedy about social norms and relationships and general trivialities of life

jerry get ipad

Am I the only one who has had several Seinfeld dreams?

>that episode when they laugh at uncircumcised penises
Do Americans REALLY?

I just had one where I did Elaine's dance to make people laugh at a party. Everybody loved me.

Elaine:How is it without it?
George:Elaine, you wouldn't even recognize it

Seinfeld is a situational comedy about four New Yorkers. It deals with their romances, friendships, families, community, and careers. In every episode, there is some sort of lie, personality defect, unfortunate misunderstanding, or attempt to enforce or violate a social convention. This leads to interpersonal drama between characters; with poetic or ironic consequences.

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>the mohel is the biggest jewish stereotype ever put on tv
>no one wants to be remotely involved with the cutting process
>Kramer is anti-circumscision throughout and tries to save the baby at the last minute
Oh but,
>elaine (a woman) makes a joke about uncut dicks
So it's all pure propaganda

That'd unironically be a hit, if everyone there had thoroughly watched the show

>He said I looked submissive and breedable, Jerry.